Sunday, March 16, 2008

I knew I was an artist when...

This is a response to a post on Funky Art Queen ( Her friend asked her the provocative question "When did you know you were an artist?" which elicited a great poem from the (other!) Queen. Check it out !
When I thought about this question myself, I realized that I have always known I was an artist. I have just spent a lot of time convincing others that I am !!
I think that "artist" is just one of the labels I have claimed for myself, finally ! I still get a little thrown when someone asks me "What do you do ?" and when I say "I am an artist."(with as much confidence as I can muster) and they inevitably say "Oh, what do you make ? or "What kind of artist?". I dabble in so many things, have sold many of my pieces, have created special gifts of my art for loved ones, have shared my techniques and experiences with other artists, and made a lot of art just for myself. I think that all of those things make me an "artist" and I have chosen to claim the label as an intrinsic part of me. In the end, for me, being an artist is about the process of creation. "I create, therefore I am." Or maybe "I am, therefore I create."


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oui c,est vrai, tu es la meilleur.
    C'est super beau ce que tu fais.

    Et moi je suis la reine des savons en pyjamas!

  3. I love this response. So many of us feel the same way about this subject. We just need to share this so we know that we are not the only ones! Thanks!

  4. Lovely post and I just "love" it (ugh!) when people say to me "ohhh...what do you make?" -- they make it sound like I work with macaroni and elmer's glue!!

  5. Hi Kim, Great sentiments, & very near to the hearts of so many of us! Those sculptures I referenced on my site are kinda freaky, right?! Thanks for stopping by!
