Monday, September 22, 2008

Love is the Answer to Every Question

So I went away to lick some wounds. Actually, I went away to get some healing touch therapy from my experts. Here is the Love Guru herself (Mike Myers ain't got nothing on this chick !!!):

I am telling you, one look into these wise eyes and you know the answer to every question :

You may think the answer is "Always wear a cashmere after Labor Day." (even when you look like a little egghead!!!) :

Or that the answer is "Forget the whole "Blonds have more fun" thing ! Red is the new blond !"

Or maybe even " When you don't know what to do, just stop and blow bubbles for a while."

But no, the gorgeous, hilarious and always styling Katie Cupcake told me the answer to every question over and over again :

"Silly Auntie, Love is the Answer to Every Question ! Now get over here and give me a hug !"

Lesson learned, oh sweet One. Thanks, Baby !

PS : Last Sunday, just after I left for my "Love" therapy trip to Montreal, David had a visit from Stephen, my neighbor Katherine's husband. David said he seemed ok, as well as could be expected, he thought. David let him know that we were here next door if he needed anything, the same as what we wrote in our sympathy card. But actually, Stephen came over with a delivery for me. It seems that Katherine had asked him to be sure to give me the vase that we had been using to pass flowers back and forth this summer. He filled it with flowers from an arrangement from her memorial service. David took a picture of it with my laptop's camera so I could see the flowers before they faded but the picture was very blurry so I didn't include it here. I can't tell you how touched I was....It made for a very teary drive when David, filled with tears himself, called me on the cell to give me the news of Stephen's visit and Katherine's gift to me. I already know what the vase will be filled with every summer. I think My Lady of the Blue Hydrangea would approve, don't you ?


  1. That is one cute little elf! Amazing how someone so small can bring so much joy. She is a lucky little elf too, because she is loved by her sweet and beautiful auntie. Thanks for the tribute.

  2. Oh man, I can't cry at work! What a wonderful gift of the must be filled every summer!

    ...I think that all of those answers from the little wise one were the answer, especially "When you don't know what to do stand there and blow bubbles" oh my gosh. I will try that next time! I should have known. She is so cute and so wise in cashmere no less :-)

    BTW I LOVE the idea of a gossamer spidey suit (with comfortable shoes of course)!

  3. What a precioius baby girl! The story of the vase absolutely touched my heart.

  4. awww HOW cute is that little poppet?????

    she reminds me very much of my middle son when he was that age - the same lovely red hair - watch out, it comes with quite a temper :) but also a wonderful wit and intelligence.

    I am touched by your neighbour's thoughtfulness in her final days, she must have felt very close to you - so rare nowadays to make a real connection with our neighbours

    and after all the heavy stuff, please allow me to be an enabler :D

    they are even called Wildcats just like my precious boys!

  5. Bonjour Kim! Quel merveilleurx guérisseur! Et mignon comme tout! Ton histoire à propos du vase de ta voisine est très touchante ... Oui, le monde est minuscule! Et oui, Philipsburg est minuscule aussi! Je crois que tu vas plus souvent à Montréal que moi! I was born there and lived there till I was 31. And I knew Montreal like the bottom of my pocket! But I think I extracted all the positive juice that I could and needed a more peaceful pace afterwhile ... Have a great day! LuLu

  6. What an incredibly beautiful story, Kim! I am dabbing even as I write this. Your neighbor must be an amazing man. So glad your Lady of the Blue Hydrangeas had that kind of love in her life.

    As for the love in your life -- oh, that Ms. Cupcake! Even better than being a heartbreaker, a heartmender. Hope you got lots of squishy kisses and gorgeous smiles!

  7. Oh my goodness! She is to cute for words!

  8. It sounds like the universe is in agreement Kim. The big message is "You are Loved!!" That beautiful Katie Cupcake is the sweetest, wisest thing on your side of the continent!(My little Ada on this side, and her big brother Liam are my reminders of this message!) And the gift from Katherine must feel even more potent coming as it does after her passing.
    Revel in it girl. You are special and you are loved! Life is full of abundance.
    xo arlene

  9. How preciously gorgeous and LOVE-ly!
    Thank you for bringing joy and love my Kimmy.
    Thank you for keeping up the gifts of your talents!
    I am so very proud of you and I love you very much.
