Monday, December 22, 2008

Perhaps She's Gone On Holiday ? - Sending Holiday Wishes

(lovebird on my tree - I made 12 of them ! I love them !!!)

So I was extremely impressed with how very busy and productive people were with their Blogs over the weekend and today as we enter the final prep days before Christmas. Where are you finding the energy to do it all, People ??? And can you pul-ease pass some down my way ???

I have been having a hard time keeping up with the reading of the wonderful blogs in my blog roll let alone finding the time to write or edit photos, get a post up here ! I want to play but the other stuff is taking over. Stuff like the baking and wrapping and card writing...
But also stuff like a 13 hour power failure on Saturday - from 1:00 in the afternoon until 4:30 or so in the deep, dark, freezing cold, icicle toilet bowl of a night ! Or the 16 inches of snow we got between Friday afternoon and this morning !

(Chica says "Snow, schmow ! Like any good Lab, I like my water in liquid form !!!)

Were we excited about the Winter Solstice ? Only the part that means the longer days are coming back eventually !

Were we still able to find the beauty in the Winter Season ?

Yes ! As long as it was from the warmer side of the window glass ! "Let the HIBERNATION begin !" says Kim !

But there is still some holiday stuff to celebrate and enjoy first !

So my friends, I have decided to take a break from posting until after I return from my Christmas Weekend in Montreal on the 29th or so. I will be visiting my good friends and spreading holiday cheer until Christmas day whenever I have a chance !

I am sending sincere and very warms wishes to all my Blogland friends for a holiday full of peaceful soul moments, heartfelt laughter and glowing love all around !


  1. I think your Love Birds are so sweet, Kim!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    ~ Dawn.

  2. i love your beautiful photos. i have a rebel too, and am still trying to learn everything about it. can't tell you how long i've had it..........
    your ornaments are sweet.
    happy Christmas, and happy new year. can't believe it's almost here!
    thanks for sharing on your blog.

    big strong girl designs

  3. 12 lovely birds- nice stamina!

    I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!! Here's to a creative 2009!

  4. I love these birds! A tutorial, please???? Even after xmas would be grand!

  5. oooohhhhh kim!!! i am in looooove with your love birds!!!! they are sooooo fabulous!!! hee hee!!! thank YOU for sharing!!!

    how am i keeping up??? well lets just say that there's not much sleep involved... yipes!!! ha ha ha!!!

    have a very beautiful holiday my friend and safe travels!!!

    peace and love

  6. Kim - just came over to visit yourblog - and wanted to say I love your birds!!! Just the RIGHT sort of thing for Christmas decorations. Lovely!

  7. love right back to ya and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  8. Happy Holidays to you and yours Kim! :)

  9. I completely understand what you mean about the energy. For some reason, I'm full of it...which is strange for me, plus I'm still very lacking in sleep due to kittens :). I only get about 4-6 hours a night. Somehow I'm still going though. Go figure. I don't have a lot to do in comparison to say, you. My holidays are quiet and easy, part by fate and part by choice.

    Take the time you need Gorgeous ~ we'll all be here when you are good and celebrated out. Don't forget to take some Queenie Naps.

    Those birds are fancy-free!

    I wish you the same.

    ~Huggles and Holly~

  10. that Chica is the cutest dog ever - I just want to smush that face!

  11. Have a wonderful blog-break to celebrate, Kim! Enjoy your Christmas, Love, O

  12. Hey there! I love the bird me an idea for next year. I too have had to ngelect my blog, but I wanted to stop and say hi to you!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and so happy the the days will be getting longer...a little bit of hope...the universe has so many ways to remind me/us to always have hope :-)

    Big, big hugs!

  13. I hope you had a beautiful time in Montréal! Your ornaments are just lovely!

    Happy New Year!


  14. Montreal! At Christmas! *sigh* (My Mom is visiting my sis in Ottawa and they made a weekend trip there on the 20th. I'm green with envy.)
    Your birds are so lovely!
    Enjoy your away time! I haven't posted in over a week. There was a champagne and OJ incident involving my camera and a certain rambunctious 2 year old. *ahem* I'm hoping after everything dries out really well and gets cleaned up we'll be fine. The camera too. *No children were harmed in this incident. The champagne was drunk (drank?) only by (semi-) responsible adults. Who none-the-less neglected to move the camera to a safe place while presenting said 2 year old with a new ball. duh.

    Merry Days and Happy New year, my friend!

    xo arlene

  15. Happy New Year Kim! I hope you had a good time in beautiful Montreal x
