Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Year's Gift !

So yesterday was Chinese New Year's - The Year of the Ox, or the year of OX (hugs and kisses) as Michelle Ward noticed and shared on her blog ! According to the zodiac forecast, the Snake (that's me) is the best friend of the Ox and 2009 is supposed to be a really good year for the Snake in career and in love !

Well, my Chinese New Year already started off right ! Yesterday afternoon I received a lovely gift from my friend Gina (Joyful Purpose) in California ! If you don't know the very talented Gina, she has a beautiful blog where she showcases her amazing art, her incredible digital self-portrait pieces and lovely words of wisdom from her favorite inspirational authors and poems.
So here is the thoughtful gift that Gina sent :

all of this was inside the envelope !

sweet little candies tucked inside a lovely red flowered envelope,

a gorgeous purple tissue paper banner with the ox/dragon printed on it,

this funky postcard (Miso Pretty) and moo card,

and a pink bag with this sweet spiral inside...

What is the spiral , you ask ?

Why it is the lovely crochet scarflette that Gina made for me ! In my favorite color too ! I took this picture of me to show how it looks on ! So cool ! I love the little metal charms that hang at the ends !

Thank you, thank you, Gina for your lovely gift ! I made me feel so very touched ! All of the love and care you put into that one package made me feel really special and cared for ! Please know how very much your sweet gesture is appreciated !

Ahhh, life and love are good ! I am truly blessed...and I know it ! ;-)

Happy New Year everyone !


  1. Gina was so sweet to you:) I love sweet friends! Ok, I LOVE,LOVE, LOVE "Gross Gordon" with a passion. I love that he came from an angry place and voiced what you were feeling. He is better than therapy:) Love, Jamie

  2. blessed to have a friend like you in my life - so glad you liked your gift

  3. YAY - snail mail rocks! You look fantabulous in that lil scarf!


  4. the snake is friends with the OX. love that. your crocheted snake is delivering o' and x's. how about that!

  5. That Gina is a keeper!
    You're Snake? I'm OX, and I LoVe Michelle's interpretation! Brilliant! So no wonder we are two peas in a pod! LOL
    OX's to you, and Happy New Year!

  6. what a great gift and that gina is super talented too! i was born in the year of the dog.(of course!)
    happy chinese new year!

  7. hey kim~
    too bad about the ritz photo class. i am going next month and it wil take up my saturday nite! 5-7 pm. i will try it since it was free with camera. i did pick up a book which is excellent. it 's this one:
    i love the actual photos! good luck!

  8. Oh, that is soooooo cool and I'm glad you shared that. We are so blessed to have friends like that.

  9. YAY! Lovely gift and much deserved :)

  10. What a nice present. Actually multiple presents. Love the scarf.

  11. I came here to tell you that you are one of very few people who knows how to spell guerrilla, and what do I see???

    pretty pretty!

  12. Hi, Kim! Definitely sounds like your new year is starting off right! :-)

  13. How AWESOME! All those goodies look terric and must have been a blast to open!

  14. Happy Year of the Ox...love your Chinese New Year goodies! thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you visit again soon...I never knew that about spitting...too funny!!

  15. Oh this is so sweet. :-)
    Thanks so much for posting such a kind comment in blog and for stopping by :-)
