Friday, February 13, 2009

Some Cool Canadian Chicks Create !

So this month, I was lucky enough to participate in the Canadian Artist Valentine Swap with 10 other fantastic Canadian women. I was the token "displaced" Canadian living in the US but believe me, these ladies did so very much to make my heart feel like it was home again !

We each made 10 gifts for our exchange and mailed them out at the end of January to begin our fun opening ceremonies on Feb.4. We opened gifts for 10 days, the last one being this morning. I has been so fun celebrating the talents of all of these artists and the thought, care and LOVE they have put into each of their creations !

I was invited to participate by Arlene at ArtDeMe and this was my first real swap. It was a fantastic experience ! I learned a lot, as Dawn at Art of Humungous Proportions, our noble leader, can attest to if you ask her about my packing job ! But most of all I had such fun and pleasure giving and receiving a little extra love for every day during our swap process !

Big thanks to Arlene, Dawn, Laura, Holly, Lisa, Martha, Mar, Nicolette, Sabina and Vanessa, some wonderul Canadian Soul Sisters ! Check out their blogs if you have a chance - you will meet some really cool, talented and loving chicks !

I will end this post with some photos of the wonderful gifts I received. I think I have shots of everyone's treasures here except for Laura's lovely and sweet smelling hand sewn heart sachet which arrived a little late to my mom's Canadian address and which I will pick up in March. (Sorry Laura !!!) For better pictures and for shots of each individual artist's work, you can check out the blog at Canadian Valentine Swap where Arlene and Dawn have done a much better job than I have documenting all the fun !

Here you will see all the treasures including Martha's spectacular crazy stitched heart hanging, Lisa's pretty lacy bookmarks,

Vanessa's lovely and delicate hand-drawn seed packets, Nicolette's romantic and pretty hanging ATC ,

Arlene's gorgeous and beautifully detailed fabric journal, Holly's delicate and perfect earrings also custom made to our favorite colors,

Sabina's awesome collage custom done with our loves in mind,

Mar's magnificent book mark with my favorite theme of mermaids gracing it,

and Dawn's little pile of treasures including "Donut Seeds" (ooh, donuts...) and the sweet and glittery "key to love" necklace.

Thanks again to all of you and I will see you at the next one, Ladies !


  1. Oh cool! It's fun to receive artwork in the mail, isn't it? You received some beautiful pieces here.

    Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow!

  2. I always think that these look like so much work when sign ups are going around...yet I am always envious of the treasure trove that comes around on opening day! What a bunch of neat things!

  3. This is one cool swap! What fun it must have been, and such a treasure trove of goodies!

  4. What fun! It's so nice to receive cool snail mail and not bills!

  5. Woweeee - what a bunch of beautiful treasures! What fun!! I've got 6 or 7 windows open right now, one for each of the links to these craftsy goddesses you mentioned here. On to some delightful exploring!

  6. Hi Kim, so sorry your swap gift got there late, please forgive me. I hope you have a nice little surprise in March. I love my heart charm, I've had so many compliments. God bless, Laura
