Thursday, June 11, 2009

What If Today was Your Last ?

I heard this song on the radio today for the first time and loved the lyrics. Then I came home and checked out the video - this blows me away ! There is such hope, you know, you just have to look for it.

It's never too late !
Be present in your own life


  1. I'll have to check the video out when I get home!

    I can't believe I missed yesterday's post about the dream home, but it's so crazy because today I was thinking...hoping that dreams could come true and holding back tears because this is a hard time. SO reading yesterday's post today was totally meant to be!

  2. You have been busy! I love the dream home and today -- what if today was your last -- I'd pass away a very happy woman ... had a marvelous day with Mr. Dragon and our beautiful god-daughter ... couldn't have been more perfect. Ah, what a little love will do! ;)

  3. Oh I loved this song and the video, I am going to pop it on my blog too and go get this song. I need to hear it everyday for awhile. Its what I truly believe but they say it so well. Thanks for posting this.


  4. They are great lyrics. The most important thing to do is to show up in your own life. Looks like you did that today. I think I did it too. Doesn't it feel great?!

  5. Thank you. I needed this! It put my day in persepective!

  6. something I do try to have in my mind... to live with a clean slate, i guess..

  7. Hi, Kim! Great video! Thanks for sharing it! :-)

  8. Well, I know ONE thing I would do: stop procrastinating, get off my you-know-what and mail you a print! I'm sorry I've been so lazy since I got out of school, but I 'm going to send you Fuite before the weekend is over, I promise. Love this song; it might just be my latest journal prompt.

  9. I love love love this video...thank you so much for sharing it with us !!!

  10. Me, too, Kim, I love it too. Makes me think!! xo, O

  11. Great message Kim. I was just tonight thinking how important it is to BE in the world, not just observe it, which is what I sometimes do behind my camera.

    See you in September is Squam!

  12. Kim, first of all thanks for visiting (and appreciating!) Ollie's and my duetto buffo post. Next, I LOVE your blog! I'm so touched by your honesty and your lovely artwork. I can see how much you've been affected by reading Life Is A Verb and although I've seen it mentioned before, your blog has made me want to read it. I do so agree with you about living in the present - something I often don't manage but always aspire to. And how fitting is this song!

  13. This is just wonderful! Thank you for this.

  14. i came upon your blog via genie sea. so glad i did. i had heard this song on the radio i think once or twice but never really paid attention to lyrics in full. it's an awesome song and sage words to live by. i'll have to add it to my playlist so i can listen to it more often and have those words become my mantra.

  15. I love this song!! I've heard it on the radio.

    Thanks for the video. Cool

  16. KIM!

    I heart YOU!

    This video is the absolute thing I needed to see today!

    Blessings to you my friend :)
