Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wings are feeling strong today...

One more sleep...

(if you can call lying awake and packing and planning in your head until 1:30 or so and then waking up around 6:00 raring to go sleeping ! :)) !!!

I feel like a kid before a big birthday party or even before Christimas !

I loved all your wishes for me in your comments on my last post. It really means so much to me. It has helped me make my wings strong and ready for this flight !

"You were only waiting for this moment to arrive..."

See you when I land, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Ones !


  1. I know you're going to have the best time ever!!

  2. oh those wings are going to take you so far...to amazing heights that you didn't even know could be possible...


  3. oh Kim, I know this is going to be amazing!! I'm sorry I missed your post yesterday - haven't been visiting blogland much this past week or so, but am glad I can keep you in my thoughts and send a big virtual bon voyage hug! can not wait to see and hear of all the creative adventures you experience!!
    xox Karin

  4. Will be waiting for lots of photos!

    (I found another friend who will be in SAW ... Kelley ... she has a hug from Auntie Snap!!!)

    All of you will have so much fun ... meeting, greeting, arting ... yeeeehaaawwwww!

  5. If you think you are flying high now, I can only image how you will be when you return home. Tired yes, but you will be flying high on love, energy, inspiration, friendship, laughter and joy...does it get better than that? I don't think so my friend!!!

  6. You have the best time my Queen. Its going to be great.

    ---One of the other queens.

  7. Bye!!! Have too much fun and soak in all that creative goodness :)
