Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness Week

While reading one of my most favorite blogs in Blogland this morning,
I discovered that it is
Random Act Of Kindness Week !

The girls at Kind over Matter, Jenn and Amanda have a whole list of suggestions

for acts you can carry out and make the world a little kinder place.

(laughing buddha photo from flick'r)

One of my favorites is so very simple and it is one I learned from my Bubbie, my grandmother, when I was a little kid.

Bubbie would smile at everyone she met every day.

Simple, isn't it ?

And yet it is often rare these days....so sad.

What a difference it makes in your day when you share a smile with someone else a couple of times.

They are of course, contagious.

They are also free.

I have some new neighbors who just moved in across the street. I think I will make one of my acts of kindness this week to go over and introduce myself and maybe bring a some little goodies over. They used to do that all they time, you know, when someone joined a neighborhood. I think I am going to do my little part to bring the kindness back on my street...

As I was looking through my pics to find something for this post, I came across this picture of my mom and me last September. Don't you love it ?

It made me smile big and made my heart fill up with the love I have for my Sweet Mommy and also for our relationship.

Hmmmm...there is some nice fuel to get my kindness fires going...

Let's head out and go act kind !!!


In other news...

I think I am experiencing information/Blogland/inspiration/Facebook/typing/computer screen overload. I realize that I have been spending way too much time in front of the computer these days. It feels like my play time in the studio has become what I do in between reading blogs or Facebook or emails and not the other way around which is what I would greatly prefer.

I do love Blogland and my friends and our connections so very much, but I don't want it to become the only thing I spend my time doing !!! I miss art journaling. I miss creating new things. I have been squeezing those things in here or there between visits on the computer but now it is time for a change.

While I will not disappear completely, I think I will go on a BlogLand and Facebook Slow Down for a good while. At least the next month or so.

My biggest challenge will be disciplining myself to keep my time on the computer at a minimum. I am thinking a timer or something at first.

So while I don't know exactly what this will look like or feel like, I am making my intention for myself known.

I send you Beautiful, Beautiful Ones lots of love and...

I guess I will see you when I see you...

Off to do some Mindful Living....

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

No really I am going now...

bye... ;)


  1. AWWWWWWW! I love love LOVE that piccy of you and your mommy! You are so lucky to have a mother like her. And she's lucky to have you right back!

    I completely understand about the time spent on the computer. The Heart Your Art campaign has taken a lot more time than I imagined it would (but worth it). I absolutely support you!!!! Create my Queen - that's where it's at!


  2. I smile all the time and what have I gotten for it...well you should see my crows feet !
    what was god thinking when she combined those two things together ?

    anyway...enjoy your break....I'm trying to do a bit of the same....


  3. Smiling is good and adding a "Good Morning or Afternoon" is really super! I like to make people smile. But I am with Beth...what's with the crows' feet??? LOL!!
    Enjoy you studio time. I am trying to get out there more too!

  4. Enjoy that play time in your beautiful studio with a view. I totally get what you mean with computer time.

    Sometimes it feels good just to change the routine.....

    Sweet photo of you and your mom.
    You look alike, and she has the gorgeous silver hair....

  5. I hear ya', sistah. I am fixin' to take a break myself starting Friday. No iPhone, no laptop, no blogs, etc.

  6. Oh my, you can't go, I just found ya' through OWOH. OK, I realy do understand and I have a suggestion. Set a time off the day that will be e-mail time, face book time and blog time. Use a calendar or a day planner and yes a timer. Schedule your art studio time also and then see how well you do after say two weeks. Check off the items if need. Make a note that you cheated. If you are intensely working in the studio and see it is blog time continue what you are doing. We can wait until tomorrow. Now I will have fun going through your old blog posts. Bye (for now)

  7. You always give smiles with your blog posts, you are a random act of kindness. Love this post. Love the pic of you and mom, both so beautiful with such nice hair!
    I am with you on the break thing. I was thinking of timing myself too.
    I've been much better since I took my weekend, no computer break. It was fantastic and I've been mostly able to carry through.
    Have fun. We'll be here when you get back. No worries.

  8. Oh, I HOPE you don't stray too far awa, I just found you OWOH a couple of weeks ago!
    I like the suggestion above, schedule your time for comp and also for art....it's not easy to stick to but that way, you're investing quality time for both and won't feel deprived from either....

  9. I can so relate, Kim. Fitting in art and computer time around a full time job is so difficult. Taking the time Realign your Horizons is always a good idea. I bet we will see some wonderful juiced up art when you venture back...xoSusan

  10. Go Forth and CREATE...rest, rejuvenate, rejoice...RE-BIRTH!!

  11. Hi, Kim! I think it is great that there is a whole WEEK devoted to Random Acts of Kindness! Good luck getting back to a balance between studio time and computer time! :-)

  12. Enjoy Kim! I'm on the same path...needing a break, perhaps a change for me. You have been so good at almost daily updates full of soul and energy. I can see why you need some rest.

    Have a great time creating!

  13. You can tell you and your mom look alike even from the profile! What an adorable pic!!! I too need to get back to work! I have lots of projects to finish and I am such a procrastinator... I think it is a prerequisite for being creative though, don't you? hehehe

    P.S. Thanks for the sweet words on my blog. You are a doll!

  14. 'puter break is good. Need to do that too, don't we all. It is crack I swear :-)
    Great pic of you and your mom.

  15. I so understand the computer/studio dilemma, when you figure a system let us all know. I struggle with the same thing.

    I also love that pic of you and your mom. You are both very lucky.
