Friday, April 30, 2010

Morning Walk Photo Dreams

I am a pretty good photographer.

In fact, I have taken some photos that blow me away,

and that I am really proud of.

I think it comes from walking through life with that artist's eye.

That is something I am grateful for every single day.

Sometimes I see things and immediately think what I could do with them in a collage or painting.

Or if I knew more about Photoshop and Digital Photo Manipulation.

Maybe with some good lessons from a pro like Susan Tuttle

I could consistently create the dreamy, moody, soft, prvocative, eye-catching kind of photos

that I see in my artist's mind...

Honestly ?
I need a lot of help.
And it just so happens that Susan's brand new book, Digital Expressions, is available on Amazon
and looks like just the thing I need to get me creating art in a whole new way.

Plus the Computer Geek Hubby, who took Susan's Digital Manipulation On-line Class and raved

about it, would love to have the book as well.

And guess what ?

Susan is offering a giveaway of the new book on her blog right now!

Maybe I will be lucky enough to win the book,

and if not, David is a Daddy to some furry kids and he should get a Father's Day giftie too, don't you think ?

Here's to always looking at the world with fresh eyes.

Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones !


  1. Love that architectural roof line shot, and the hydrant with your rock, it rocks!


  2. Fun photographs, Kim. I bet Susan's new book will be awesome too!

    A lovely, happy Friday to you ~

  3. You have a great eye too :-)
    I just got Susan's book and it looks magnificent! Can't wait to settle in front of the computer with it.

  4. You are a good photographer! I love hearing about walking through life with an artists eye...Eye/I have realized that that is what I/Eye do too.
    I'm/Eye'm in line with you for that book as well.
    Good luck!

  5. Lovely photos!! I will have purchase a copy of this book. I could use some help as well!

  6. your blog is so beautiful and heartfelt. and i am just adoring your colorful artwork. i'm so happy to have found your blog and shop. thank you for being so incredibly inspiring and reminding me to stay true to my heart. i can't wait to stop back again and read more :)

    best wishes to you!

  7. oh my goodness, i believe i need this book... thank you for the heads up. yes you ARE a good photographer! of all these beautiful pics, though, my favorite is the 'honest' stone. love that...

    today is sunny; i believe it will be a good day to go looking for smooth creek stones...

    happy friday, Big Heart...


  8. yes, you are an amazing capturer of beautiful moments!! thanks for sharing this book with us - I have very limited knowledge about digital workings, but can see the great potential of this artistic tool. I hope you win, and then pass on your knowledge and creations that are sure to follow!!
    big hugs and love, Karin

  9. Always love your pics here Kim and these one's are beautiful. Your Artist's eye is a powerful one!

    The book looks very illuminating - maybe you could buy two so you won't have a tug-o-war with it with your hub :)

  10. Hmm, well, I don't know if I should bother entering that contest since you are on such a winning streak! Oh what the heck - you can't get hit by lightening if you're not standing outside in the storm, right?

  11. I love the photo you took of your feet! Those purple flowers are so pretty!


  12. You do take wonderful photographs and there were plenty of photos in this post to prove that. I hope you win the book, or at least it comes to live at your house so you can borrow it.

    I still can't believe I got all those Golden products for almost nothing. I am used to buying them one at a time with a coupon.


  13. Great pictures. Worth a thousand words!

  14. great spread
    i love
    your honest photo
    most of all!
    thanks for the
    giveaway sharing
    i hope hope hope
    it falls into
    honest & beautiful
    hands. x

  15. Yes, you are a great photographer and you will love PhotoShop! It is just totally FUN.

  16. and her new workshop goes up tomorrow!! Linda

  17. Oh gosh, that sounds like an interesting book. I'm gonna go look at that!

  18. Great eye there Kim! I'd love to see what you could do with a little tweakage. (new word!) I totally think you need to get the new book for *cough* your sweet, talented man. He deserves it! hehehe
    Have a great Sunday!

  19. my fav...the honest photograph.
    thanks for taking me along.

    one love, Big Heart.
