Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Something's Missing

Hi there, Beautiful Ones!

It is Tuesday.

I had a remarkable, full, creative and lovely weekend with my Art Friends Gathering over the weekend. But I do not have photos - yet ! I actually forgot my disk for my camera and also left the photo taking to several of the other ladies. I hope to have some pics to show you soon. I loved it and I am particularly thankful to Colleen for bringing me into such a great circle of women and to Patti who opened her beautiful home to all of us for the whole weekend.

We will be gathering again for an entire week on Cape Cod in September, where each of us will be sharing some of our arty talents with the group and where we will play the days away by the sea. Does that sound like Heaven or what ? I want the summer to go slowly and fully but I am also really looking forward to that treat in the Fall.

(Latest journal page - HIATUS - May, 2010) -click to enlarge

So while the weekend was wonderful, I am feel absolutely and completely drained of energy right now.

I am on an Energy Hiatus, if you will...

I have many creative thoughts, things I want to do, things I feel I should do,


I seem to have no forward momentum at the moment.

I am on pause, except for the occasional little burst of creative juices that create pages like the one above.

They seem to be followed by the need to do nothing or to nap or to watch the grass grow...

A few of my "teachers" have been telling me that is okay, and that this quiet, resting time must be what I need.

I am trying to give in graciously and accept that this is what my being kind of needs right now

but man, can that feeling guilty crap take over easily if you let it !!!!

I do know in my gut though

that I need to be filled up.

The well is kind of dry and I have very little to share right now.

I think I need to take the advice of my favorite Writer-Lady, and the airlines, and

Put My Own Mask On First.

Now if I can learn to do that and not feel guilty about it, I will have this in the bag !!!

So what will fill me up a little today ?

A gentle walk with the sweet Chica-dog.

A quick grocery stop to get some healthy food for supper tonight for me and my man.

A nap in the pm, preferably in a sunbeam with kitties and dog beside me.

And not a single guilty thought or feeling in sight....

I hope you fill yourself up a little today, Beautiful Ones.

Oh, and could you please send out some extra loving prayers for my beautiful , beautiful Teacher-friend, Judy Wise, as she undergoes her surgery on her vocal cords today. I so wish for the return of her sweet voice in this world. I love you, Judy.


  1. Praying for Judy right now!! Sounds like you do need a fill up...I know it is hard to not feel guilty...but rest! Tell the guilty voice it is lying and go away. Read a book; take a nice long hot bubble bath while listening to relaxing music...must have candles lit too!!

  2. Glad you had a wonderful weekend and what could be better than September on the Cape. Can't wait to see the pics...

    Judy is in my thoughts too!

  3. I am glad you had such a wonderful time. and that you are having another in the fall. rest up, don't feel guilty, obviously your body and mind need this. take care. have a restful day.

  4. Wow, I'd be wishing the summer away too. The Cape in September will be awesome.

    Glad you had a wonderful time on your mini-retreat. Take a day or two to come down guilt-free. It's earned.

    I've been following Judy's struggles and wish her well today and always. Thank you for your hugs on my blog as well. I appreciate it.


  5. Enjoy the rest Kim! I literally just posted how my creativity was unlocked and I just had to wait for it...I knew it would come back. I like your words that I just needed to be "filled up". I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend.

  6. It sounds like your weekend was so great, I guess it's natural to feel a little 'drained' even if in a good way. I'm praying for Judy and hoping all goes well in her surgery. Enjoy your nap in the sun-patch.

  7. Thanks for popping by Kim!

    Everyone needs some down time to rejuvenate that creative energy....It will appear when the time is right! Stave off the nowhere emotion of guilt.... enjoy the peaceful moments your body desires!!! Relax and bask in the essence of that wonderful weekend you had!!

    Prayers on in the works for your friend!

    Peace Giggles

  8. Enjoy your battery re-charge and I hope you fill your creative well with lots of beautiful inspirations!

    Prayers for Judy, most definitely!

    Love to you Kim xx

  9. Kim,

    I am glad to hear your weekend was great. Prayers are going out to Judy, I knew about her surgery and she will be fine. We all have down times creatively and we all return to the fold so take heart you will feel it once more. Even when you are down you create wonderful work. A walk with Chica sounds like a great idea. I am still in Missoula so I am missing my Flynn.


  10. Kim,
    Thanks about my birdy painting. It was one of those effortless ones.
    Love your new journal pages, recharge and do some more. I too, hope Judy's surgery is everything she needs.


  11. hey sweet thing....
    is this judy's second surgery ?
    i'm praying for her a whole bunch !!

    and to you....a big hug just because i love you !

  12. Slow down and breathe
    Listen to your own sigh
    hear your own heart beat
    as the butterflies
    flutter by

    Slow down and breath
    in with a sigh
    hear the gentle whispers
    of the angels flitting by

    Slow down and breath
    sit for a while
    relax in the knowing
    life won't pass you by

    Slow down and breath.

  13. Oops, I need to learn how to spell....I think that word is suppose to be spelled breathe.

  14. thanks for sharing this wonderful post

  15. Gosh, hope your friend is okay.
    Hope too you had a relaxing, guilt free day. I love your art, your whimsy and color and drawing.
    You make me happy!
