Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Into each life, a little drizzle will fall...

(Drizzle - art journal page - June 15, 2010)

Creativity Boot Camp Day 9 - For the Love of Art...

Random Prompt Word - Drizzle

Maegan encouraged us to go back to our roots in terms of creating, returning to some simple art making techniques we appreciated in our past - even back in childhood.

I just picked up a pencil and started drawing, inspired by a vision I had first thing this morning when I played with the word "drizzle" in my head.

For me, the red umbrella represents creativity and art. When life's drizzle starts to fall, and you know it will, turning to my own creativity and inner artist helps get me through.

Still pretty funky here in the realm...

That's okay though....

Just some drizzle to go through I guess...

Today is actually looking like a pretty perfect beginning of summer day, kind of what a red umbrella would feel like.

It is sunny. It is supposed to be around 79 degrees.

And I have a Arty Play Date at my friend Patti's Poolside Paradise with a bunch of art friends gathering...

As long as I don't look in the mirror when I put on my bathing suit, it should be a sweet treat of a day!

I hope you find your red umbrella today, Beautiful Ones.

Big Love !


  1. simply wonderful art! and what better way to celebrate than poolside with arty friends! love ya!! Have a glorious day!

  2. Oh this is powerfully beautiful! And yep, this is one of those wonderful tools you spoke about.

  3. love the drizzle(where did that come from I wonder) and the great red umbrella! its a gorgeous day here . hope yours is as nice! ps why dont you look for a few mexico memories too? lyle

  4. a poolside play date.....WOW, i want your day instead of the one i have planned.....

    and i'm looking for my red umbrella right this minute!

  5. Ohhh, I love this journal page. There is just something about it that gives me a calm s,mile. Have fun at your Art date. Enjoy the sun.....

  6. This is frame worthy art Kim...I love it. It's been metaphorically drizzling and outright pouring rain here in my life too. Just enjoying the bits of sun here and there. The red umbrella? Fantastic idea!

  7. I love this one, have a great poolside art date, that should be such fun.take care.

  8. I love this one! Love the words drizzle mixed in with the rain drops! The big splash of red stops the word drizzle from being dreary iykwim!

  9. Delightful drawing! Wonderful journal page! Whimsical. Yet full of feelings too.

  10. Funny, but when I saw it at first I thought it was chinese characters! It does have a bit of an oriental feel somehow?? What do you think? Anyway, actually I really love it. A perfect journal page. Keep that drizzle out with more inspiration like this please :)

  11. Oh I absolutely love this page! It is perfect in every way.

  12. love your page, love the white space under the umbrella, so peaceful and glowing. great red too.
    it is a beautiful day. i just watered the library flowers.
    now i'm inside with the books.
    thinking of you.
    hope yr having fun and splashing around.

  13. Your page is beautiful, as are you. Put those swimmers on and make a splash!!

  14. This is truly wonderful!! Thank you for sharing your art with us. Love it. ♥ tlb

  15. if this is a picture of
    then bring on some
    drizzle my way
    for sure!
    (& a bright red umbrella!).
    just lovely!
    such a fun drizzle pattern. xox

  16. great Drizzle piece! :) And THANK YOU for your sweet comment on my blog!! xoxo. :)

  17. I hope you had a great day!! Today some drizzle fell in my life so I'll take this message very much to heart :)

  18. I am getting out my red umbrella as I type. Have a great arty time with your friends!! Sounds perfect!!

  19. Love the word drizzle mixed in with the rain. Love the shape of your person under the umbrella.

  20. W.O.W. !!!

    Loving this creation!

  21. Oh, this is fantastic. Now I want a red umbrella.

  22. I missed way too much being gone five days, you have been BUSY. Drizzle me baby!!!!!

  23. I just love your blog! I love your work and your honesty, too.

  24. Look in the mirror and love and honor what you see. I DARE YOU BRAVE WOMAN.


  25. You make drizzle look s-o-o-o! good. I wish Vancouver drizzle was so appealing, lol.
