Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good loving…


Still feeling blurry and rough around the edges.

But, boy, does good loving help.

Today, I am grateful for love.

I am grateful for loved ones who get me,

and who let me just be where I am

and love me though without trying to fix things.

And I am grateful for the love of life

that keeps me looking up

towards the light.

I am grateful for this day.

Big love to you, Beautiful Ones.


  1. Your thought about people loving you as you are and not trying to "fix" things, really struck me. So important.

    Wishing you all good things today (especially snuggles with that gorgeous dog!)

  2. it is very good to do what you are doing:
    listening to yourself and acknowledging
    that helps a lot!
    And then you have your supporting family supercool for that
    and then friends, real ones and the online, too
    kimmy you are so lucky and so very blessed
    I am thinking of you and wishing this goes away quick quick quick
    and if it comes back you know what to do ;-)
    keep those bright pretty things around you (color helps)
    and more important know that you matter to a lot of persons
    you are a white light (wow!!!!)
    Big sunny hugs from me

  3. *huge hugs* This is a rough month- I hope it transitions into something much sweeter very soon.

  4. Oh Dear One, that picture is just beautiful. kinda looks like my Dog, Every afternoon I say are you coming for a sleep when I have my nap time. He waits for me to get all comfy under the blankets and then pops up and puts his head and lays there looking at me. I am grateful for family that don't want to fix me, may you feel better soon. February is a hard month for me. my dads birthday is on the tenth. in May he will be gone for 2 years. and for some reason this year my one sister and I have been real sappy. I think it is because we always phoned and talked to him on his birthday.....Thank you for such wonderful comment you left on my blog and know that you are loved. big hugs, enjoy your day.

  5. Sending you a big hug from over the ocean... feel it coming on a wave?

  6. thank goodness for the ability to be able to stay home and loved on by your baby when you're feeling down.

    i've had my own downtime this week with sophie by my side....and i am so grateful that i'm not having to go to work of any kind with the pain in my shoulder.

    we are so lucky :)

  7. Hi Kim,
    Here comes a virtual hug from the South. Meanwhile I'm glad you have your beautiful Chica
    friend to snuggle with, I've been away from blogging a few days and I scrolled down to your recent journal pages - GORGEOUS my friend, so inspiring.

  8. A big warm hug from California, Kim. My lovely lavender iris is blooming for you at the end of my driveway. Can you see it with your heart?

  9. love love love this photograph...
    this moment of supreme love.
    surrounding you in light,
    and perfect warmth.


  10. i love this photo - I may have to steal your image and paint it...

    Doone x - off to your OWOH post now...

  11. More love!! and big hugs too!
    love you precious one.

  12. Let me try again under the google account:):)
    Hugs and kisses,

  13. Very nice. Don't you wish more people were as forgiving and loving as dogs?


  14. Sending some light from one SAD girl to another.
