Wednesday, July 13, 2011

“Just Me” Time fit for a Queen !


So my dear friend, Suzy, the Garden Goddess, has gone home now. We had a sweet time together in Wells, Maine. Gorgeous weather, beach time, campsite chats, shopping and just Being.

I didn’t even take any pictures. I was just trying to Be where I was.

Yesterday, after Suzanne left, I was lucky enough to go and celebrate a birthday (Yay, Barb !) and the joys of summer at my friend Patti’s Poolside Paradise for the afternoon.

Yes, I know I am a lucky chickie! Winking smile


The sweet hubby is actually away this week at a class in Princeton, NJ.

This is the first time in about 7 years that I have been alone in my house day and night.

I am usually the traveller and David is the one who keeps the home fires burning.


So while I miss the guy a lot, I admit that I am kind of enjoying this little visit back to the “Just Me” life.

You know, where you decide when to get up (even though I got up at 6:30 this morning !), when to go to bed, when and what to eat, and whether or not to leave some dishes lying around just for effect…


This Me time is coming at a good moment as I am struggling with keeping the “icks” out of my head, and staying focused on the present moment and what is right.


So my plans for the next few days of Just Me time include trying to be really nice to myself,

trying to nurture the good stuff, and trying to keep the negative, mean messages at bay as much as possible.


And how will I do that ?

Well, one thing I know is that I will be spending a lot of time in the studio with cool tunes a-playing, paint on my fingers and hanging out with the strong, brave Artist Kim part of myself.

I am almost drooling in anticipation of this…


Some Rocking walks with the Chica-dog,

eating lots of cherries (antioxidants extraordinaire that are totally in season right now),

basil and other good summer veggie stuff  (though, I just might have to order  Chinese food which David isn’t into so much as a treat for at least one night !),

watering and talking to the pretty potted plants gracing my once empty back deck (thanks again, Suzanne !), 

perhaps a late afternoon nap to the sounds of the kitty-cats purrs in my cool air-conditioned bedroom…

All of that good self-care is sure to make for a happy, healthy Queen

for her sweet, loving King to come home to…


Happy Wednesday and big Love, Beautiful Ones !

I am off to Be with Me.


(All of the photographs above are of my back deck right off the studio, a great place to Be, and of my latest art-journal page, “Encircle”.)


  1. I am feeling a little claustrophobic these days with the 3 kids AND the husband out of school and hanging out. I envy your empty house :) ..... And I love how you will be hangning out with the brave artist Kim! Blessings on your days .....

  2. Love the happy flowers on the yummy deck where sunshine is everywhere... Enjoy your ME time, sweetie!! xoxos

  3. I believe that there is nothing so sweet as "me" time...taking time to just "be" and reacquaint with demands, no shared space, just breathing in your own beauty and love. Enjoy this refreshing time! ♥

  4. the word
    says it all!!!!
    i see from your words and affirmation you will be encircling yourself with all the right elements of love.

    you are extraordinary!


    chinese food yum!
    and pizza! do you like pizza?
    and music!!!!
    triple yay!
    i do this in September every year, i take a couple of days off from the office, everyone is busy and me just having my me time!
    great for you!
    i will be joining you in my thoughts ;-)
    i know how good this is
    again, enjoy yourself kimmie!

  6. It sounds like you are centering and grounding yourself in all good ways, My Queen. We DO seem to be on similar paths in many ways.

    When I went to Nisqually Wildlife Refuge I took no pictures, wanting to be immersed in the moment, no observing and thinking about what others might want to also see...I too am alone, but for longer than seven days...instead of frittering away the time with "business as usual" in my personal-growth-life I am thinking of making some big changes....

    I know what you mean about hanging out with the STRONG and BRAVE part of yourself. This is what I'm looking forward to as well. And being KIND and GENTLE, too, towards myself. I am wishing you this in spades too.

    What a beautiful place (palace, actually) you have to BE in, My Queen,


  7. Oh blessed alone time. Its so wonderful, enjoy all that time with yourself, it truly is precious. I look forward to seeing all the wonderful art you will create. Enjoy!

  8. Having some time alone is great and it sounds like you've got the right idea about using it. Taking care of yourself is so important. And playing in the studio is a perfect way to do that. I can't wait to see what you create!

  9. You so deserve this ME time...enjoy it and do anything and everything your heart desires!!


  10. happy wednesday to you, too, my dear Big Heart... the Queen is SO worthy!!

    i love this painting...

    xoxo (yours in queen-hood and all Big Hearted-ness)

  11. Precious me time, grab it when you can! Have lots of arty fun Kim!

    Love your little starfish man!

  12. That wonderful alone time...I love it most of the time. Your deck looks awesome, I could relax out there for sure. being kind to you is the best you can be, and the purrs sound heavenly dear friend. hugs.

  13. Enjoy that special time with yourself. What a treat!
    I'd eat eggplant. (he hates it)
    Love your journal page!
    Happy plants and the smiling star looks like you feel. I'm sure of it.

  14. Sounds like a little "me time" is just what you need! Enjoy your time of self-care. As you wish for yourself, sweet one, so I wish for you also.

  15. Hope you have a wonderful, SACRED time of solititude. I'm feeling a lit bit of the same thing now that extended family has left- it's nice to get back to old, comfy patterns and activities.

    LOVE your beautiful beautiful plants!!

  16. i looove encircle, brave artist kim! kisses to paint on your fingers! xox

  17. Life is Grand!
    Being with myself is my most favoritest thing...milk it for all it's worth, Kim!
    PS: thanks for the commisseration over Bear...the house isn't the same without him. I could forgive her(maybe) if I knew he wasn't hurt. If he turned up at any Humane Society (I have them all on alert) If I could get that guy back where he belongs with his catnip and my kisses...I could forgive the crazy, sick woman.
    Hmmm... am I writing my blog in your comments??? Wasting your YOU time??? Yes, I believe I was...sorry. ♥♥♥

  18. I am sending you a big soul hug and my best wishing energy that you kick those icks to the curb! You definitely have a real good, well rounded plan lined up. And so much loveliness all around you to soak up - those gorgeous, colorful flowers and such pretty flowerpots, all your beautiful artwork, and the unconditional love of chica and your kitty kats, and all that summertime goodness in the air! But, for good measure, I say do order that Chinese food. I think I'm going to order myself some for dinner tomorrow night and curl up with it in front of the TV. It's the best that way, I think. I will think of you possibly having the same and feel like we're having dinner together. ((((BIG SOUL HUG)))

  19. Give yourself a big hug and just be, you go girl! Sweet page, sweet life. xox Corrine

  20. Wonderful post! Sometimes, just having a few days to yourself is the perfect antidote to the "icks"!
    My hubby usually goes on a trip with the kids right after Christmas- and a couple years ago, I decided to start staying home. While I love the beach, that time spent alone (or this year, with my teen daughter) is time to be cherished- I always feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world after these trips!
    Go create, be good to yourself and eat lots of Chinese food!
