Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The seed is planted…

Yesterday, I had a lesson that planted a beautiful seed within me.

When it was happening, I felt like I was wrong.

Like I was weak.

Like I was overly-sensitive, over-emotional, a cry-baby.







(Germinate – 6X6 canvas collage/paint – July 2011)

But you know what ?

As I came, through I realized that I am not weak, over-sensitive or over-emotional.

I have realized that I am compassionate, intensely loving, highly sensitive to the suffering of others, and empathetic.

I am a Sensitive.

Sensitives feel, see and know what others do not. This is your power and your gift to the world.

As a Sensitive you represent the future.

You will teach those who have closed down their hearts and who fight for power over others that there is another way to thrive.

You will teach collaboration as an alternative to competition.

You will demonstrate transparency and authenticity over concealment and deception.

You will embody compassion as an antidote to conflict.

You are the heroes, the teachers, the way-showers.

Your journey starts with self-acceptance, loving yourself exactly as you are and seeing your sensitivity for what it really is; a gift and tool of healing and transformation.

You are a teacher.

Your time is NOW.

You are the potential creator of what this planet is in desperate need of……..LOVE IN ACTION.

(Kimberly Jones – Energy Whisperer)

I am done seeing sensitivity as a weakness, in others or in my Self !

I know the power of Love and Compassion.

I am going to let it Shine, no matter where I am.

If that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, then maybe you need to look inward and examine your Loving Core to find out why.

I am pledging to myself and my world, that I will fiercely put Love into Action

wherever I can in this One Precious Life.

This seed is firmly planted.

Now just watch it grow !


Big, big Love to you, Beautiful Ones !


  1. I don't know what happened to instigate this lovely awareness, but I do know this. There is nothing wrong with being a sensitive. We would all do well to acknowledge the sensitivity that we have within us. It doesn't have to make us "weak", it makes us more human, more compassionate and more understanding. Anything that contains those words is nothing but strong!! Thank you for putting your sensitive into the world!

  2. So beautiful Kim - like you, and your generous, sensitive, compassionate heart. Love you, and this amazing sweet painting, Karin

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this, Kim. I sometimes think negatively of my sensitivity but your post reminds me that it is a gift, a gift for good. Thank you for being such a blessing! You are a beautiful soul.

  4. I am with you 100%%%!!! <3 <3 <3

  5. Sensitives of the world.... UNITE! hee hee. (I'm one too!)

    I love the painting and your lovely words to go with it. I especially like where you say:

    "If that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, then maybe you need to look inward and examine your Loving Core to find out why."

    I so agree with this statement. I think more people need to look deep into their soul, maybe dust out the cobwebs and not be embarrassed by being human.


  6. self awareness is considered a huge strength. and yet being self aware also requires general awareness. and when you are aware you are open. and vulnerable. and sensitive.
    to be these things with grace takes far more strength then to be insensitive, closed, and hard.

  7. from one sensitive to another sensitive...let's raise our glasses and say "hell yes" at the top of our lungs !!

    and then put on our t-shirts that say "i'm sensitive and you really need to be responsible for the energy you bring towards me, or i could end up being DANGEROUS and sensitive"

    and then we'll walk around town leaving little love bombed painted rocks for only the good people to find :)

  8. I agree with your post so much, My Queen. I am thinking that this is about the dentist office, and if so then I SO get it. One thing is that not everyone does get it and will judge people who are different, but who cares, right? They cannot see...I really love your Germinate piece. Everything about it. How the woman is made of the stones (like your rocks) and the words and the depth of feeling she/you show. And the seedling struggling to grow. And the bird who looks as though it could topple the woman or pluck the seedling. I love just thinking about it.

    I look for meaning in art and I find yours so provocative, which is, I guess yet another reason I'm so inspired by it! xoO

  9. What a beautiful sweet spirit you have ♥ - pleased your bring this energy to artsee bloggers!

  10. I so agree with you Kim!

    Sensitivity is my strength not my weakness! Love the artwork and all the lovely inspiration you pass on!

  11. Awesome post! I agree: Being sensitive is a gift and you have it, lovely Kim. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with us!

  12. This is so beautiful! It speaks volumes! Hugs, Sam

  13. Your sensitivity is what makes you so full and rich my friend. Love, love this piece, it is so you. You are sprouting every day. xox Corrine

  14. ... I want to join you and Beth... where can I buy such a t-shirt? Big hug and LOVE to you Kim!

  15. this painting is
    ga ga gorgeous!!!
    oh my gosh/love it!
    & sending love
    from my sensitive
    being to yours.

  16. Beautiful piece and a wonderful epiphany for you to share Kim.

  17. Oh such a wonderful piece, and the words that inspired it really resounded with me- I LOVE this!

  18. I agree that you are a Sensitive. You need some protection from that though, so that you don't go down the tube when you are most vulnerable. But I know you know that. I'm back in town, hoping your mother is better. It's a busy morning but perhaps we can talk this afternoon.

  19. Love this!! fantastic colours and contrast

  20. Sensitive. Yep. Hands down. I'm yelling "Hell Yes" loudly. I used to get upset (go figure) at people that put me down for being who I am...now I just feel sad for them and wish they could feel, well, just that they could FEEL. Hugs, and when you and Beth get the shirts together and want an extra hand, give me a shout.

  21. I am so with you on this. This is me, all the way. I have been going through a lot of inner turmoil over this very thing. It's been a constant issue in my life, but right now more than at any other time, due to the work I'm doing. I'm getting clobbered emotionally, internally, and I've been getting to feeling like there's is something wrong with em. I can't tell how many times I've heard the words "You're too sensitive" and I'm so tired of it. I don't want to harden up and become somebody who's cynical and tough skinned. I AM sensitive. Not "too" sensitive. Just beautifully sensitive, dammit! I'm with you all the way, girlfriend! (((GIANT HUGS and GOOD WISHES)))

    P.S. I LOVE what Beth said! I want THAT T-shirt!

  22. "You're too sensitive."

    I'd like to know who they used as a measurement to determine what exactly too sensitive is.

    Most of the time "they" say "you're too sensitive" when you're calling them on their bad behavior that they really don't want to be responsible for or change in any way.

    There is a very sensitive and delicate balance being kept in the world - being on the "more sensitive" side simply means you're balancing out for someone on the "less sensitive" side. And there's plenty of "them" out there that need balancing.

    I also love the shirt idea!!!!


  23. Count me in for the tshirt. I've always heard 'yeah, you're too sensitive'...no wonder I think something's wrong w/ me! What a great post. Always ALWAYS feeling the love here.
