Friday, September 30, 2011

Haiku My Heart–Hope-Full


Kindness just because.

Helping hands. Heart Connections.

Morning Light. All hope.



I hope your weekend brings you all kinds of hopeful stuff, Beautiful Ones.

Happy Friday !

For more Haiku My Heart, visit Rebecca, one of the most beautiful hearts I know, at recuerda mi corazon.


  1. Your haiku speaks of times when people are helpful and pleasant with each other...I love it!

  2. These words are a very simple message, but have such strong important meaning. I am fortuanteto have you as a friend. And thankmyou so much for your kind words at my place. It is perfectly true. Looking at nature and living life in the now is life changing, as you suggest.
    Much Peace to you today and every day.

  3. have a beautiful, beautiful weekend!!

  4. your are a bright force of hope and light. always kindness, always reaching out and reaching up.

    thank you for your place in our hearts.

  5. Simple and brilliant. I like your rocks.

  6. When there is hope there is light and with kindness and good friends there is illumination!!

  7. Thank you as always for the positive energy. Happy weekend to you Kim, I hope you have good weather.

  8. Being reminded that hopes exists inspires hope within me. Sometimes it's watching someone else and how they cope with their struggles. Or a written word, or a beautiful photograph or the smile from a friend. Happy weekend!! xo

  9. I'm loaded with hope at the moment... and a bit anxious and nervous and excited and, and... your haiku-wish lifted the hope right up again! Dizzling thoughts, restless mind... thanks for the haiku! (P.S. a birthdaywish is on it's way to you. Hope it will cross the ocean in time to be there next week...)

  10. Look at this beautiful red fall leaf...changing of the seasons always gives me hope...for what is to come.

  11. "Kindness just because..."

    Well, why not? It sure beats the alternative! :-)

    This poet’s choice here and here

  12. Kindness and hope for always....

  13. Every time you do your haiku Fridays I forget to tell you about this. I saw these Haikubes in my daughters room and got to play with them. They are pretty fun, you can check them out here

    Have a great weekend.


  14. I love this so much, Kim. It has made my evening. I had to work all day and didn't get a chance to make my haiku rounds till tonight. Your message here is a balm to my soul. I will share the link on G+ so others can see it too.

  15. Yes, kindness, helping hands, heart connections, and morning light, all fill the life with hope.

  16. New glue, paint and brushes give me hope!! Ha!! And this warm weather does too!

  17. Triumph upon triumph
    Love shows us its way
    Today is for living in love...
    All days are!
    Thank you for your loving ways precious one.
    I love you.

  18. love this post ( and the ones below I just finally checked out) what gives me hope is times like last night... every night my husband tells my son "night buddy, sleep tight", and usually we get no reponse as my son is still mostly nonverbal, last night a few minutes after my husband said good night to him and walked out, I hear my son whipser into his pillow "good night, sweep tight"
    Enough to break my heart with hope!

  19. hope is how we get that push to live another day. it is all those simple things you have mentioned. thanks for bringing it into the forefront of our minds today.

  20. Beautiful photo.
    Beautiful Haiku.
    Beautiful you.
    Nothing beats morning light...

  21. i love kindness just because.
    love to you, dear one. xox

  22. Wow!!! You inspire so much.. made my day when I most needed it..thanks Kim..

  23. Wow!!! You inspire so much.. made my day when I most needed it..thanks Kim..

  24. Wow!!! You inspire so much.. made my day when I most needed it..thanks Kim..
