Thursday, September 22, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday–Process

There is a joy in getting lost in the process…


Art journal page background painting…

In letting whatever wants to come, just come…

With no expectations about the outcome…


Art journal page with figure, a title, some pen details…


Having moments of being fearless in creating…

Being a conduit for messages from inside or from out…

Lyrics on the art journal page from this song that was running through my head…

(It’s almost 20 years old, yikes !!! But I still love it so !)


Letting the Artist voice inside tell you when it is complete…or not.


I found this in my inbox this morning from Bone Sigh Arts

and saw myself in it so clearly. I knew it had to be added to the page…

turning point
lighting a candle in her own darkness,
she came and brought it to the others.
'i understand,' she whispered, 'and i want to help.'
there was safety in what she offered.
there was hope in the flickering shadows.
quietly, they gathered.
and it began.
crying, trusting, struggling, sharing.
empowering and celebrating,
they grew and became more.
taking their own candles back to their own worlds
they changed the darkness back to light.
~terri st. cloud


Yes, there is a joy in the creative process…

And also in the fact that I can re-create that joy whenever I want…

“Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. “
Julia Cameron

Make yourself some joy today, Beautiful Ones. Get creative !



For more joy sharing, head over to Meri’s Musings.


  1. your light is stunnning.
    even the background to your light is that beautiful.
    LOVE this. xox

  2. You have shined the light on me today -- I'm out to find my joy!!! xoxoxox

  3. Kim, this truly is my favorite piece of art you have created!! Shine on beautiful one!


  4. oh love, love, love this page!!

  5. home now, and your light floods my heart illuminating the letting go and the returning.
    i have missed you dear friend.
    thanks for the always soft place to land.


  6. The art journal pages are gorgeous!
    And, I love to read Julia Cameron's books :)

  7. Oh I love your page and the poem too. Such a great addition to your piece. I start my day with their poem too. Some I resonate with and some I don't. Just love what you did today!


  8. this is lovely Kim, and the message is touching and makes me think. I also love the lyrics.

  9. Bella page. With that background delicious inspiration can never fail. I love it.

  10. I want to roll around in those colors and find my joy. Thanks for sharing ypur process. xox

  11. Some days, as you know, it is harder to turn on or up one's own light. Thanks for the inspiration and the wise words. And enjoy the upcoming weekend (I think it's this one) with one of your favourite and inspiring peeps!

  12. I absolutely adore seeing the process of journal making...I am totally in awe of artists with your special talent! The black face is awesome!!!

  13. I love the images of the various stages of this page. It's perfect now. Shine your light, Kim!

  14. Great page, love seeing the process!

  15. Yes! Creating is a gift to Him and to me!! Love it and love your journal pages

  16. thanks for sharing the background first. it's nice to see how the first layer is created.

  17. Wow. So powerful!! You've inspired me to go and get my art journal out RIGHT THIS SECOND and let the energy flow onto the page.


  18. Great post and great journal pages Queen. Have an awesome time this weekend!

  19. Kim,
    I am deeply moved by your work and your message. It resonates with my heart of hearts. I always come away from your page with a lighter step and a greater sense of life's possibilities. Thank you.

  20. Joy to the World, we have come to create it! Thanks for focusing on this truth and sharing your joy and all your creative gifts with the world. I love you my number one daughter!!!Mom

  21. I love your use of colors and I LOVE all of the joyful explanations between pics. THIS is what I want to learn to do. And joyful, I'd like to learn that one too ;c)

  22. This is my first visit and come via artists in blogland and just love your journal page so much. Your blog is just so rich and wonderful... I have enjoyed it so much!

  23. I can relate to joy through creativity. We get totally immersed in the process. Good for the soul. Keep at it, girl.

  24. hey! i just saw my quote on your blog and grinned from ear to ear. thank you so much! what a great blog you have! your creativity just oozes all over it. i love it! thanks for including me in it....
