Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How do you wish to be loved ?

At Wishcasting Wednesday, Jamie asked : How do you wish to be loved ?


I wished to be loved just the way I am in this moment.


I wish to be loved without judgment.


I wish to be loved with kindness and compassion, and for all the kindness, compassion and love that I bring to the world.


I wish to be loved fiercely and strongly, so I have the strength of that love to shine brightly.


I wish to be loved gently and softly, so that love’s comfort helps me stay brave in the darkness.

I wished to be loved deeply and well.

And you know what ?


I am.


I had the most magnificent birthday weekend anyone could wish for!

Loving messages from all around, gifts full of thought and care, hug and kisses, laughter and connection, and weather that was definitely the glorious icing on the cake.

The thing I came away with most is how very, very blessed I am, and how very loved. Those two things are the greatest gifts we can receive in this life, Beautiful Ones. I am so very grateful for them !

I hope you truly know how deeply you are loved today.

Happy Wednesday !

(Pictures above are from The Rock Fairy’s visit to the beach yesterday. How cute are those sand pipers ???!!!)


  1. Those sandpipers are just the cutest! I'm so happy that your birthday weekend went great. Hope you have many more happy weekends!

    Hugs XX

  2. You are and you shall continue to be loved just the way you are!!! ♥

    Your sandpiper photographs are stunning...I feel like I am right there with you, watching them.

  3. Happy Birthday ~ As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

    hanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) linked with Whimsical Wednesday

  4. I am so glad you had such a wonderful weekend. I love you are too. I can't imagine you any other way. Such a wonderful post.

  5. Glad you enjoyed the weekend and your birthday. many many more for you, all happy ones.
    I finally stopped over when it wasn't a meme day. Glad i did. A good message. Speaks of peace and love, they go hand in hand, one makes the other. And it is a very good thought to say you know you are loved. Whenever I get even a touch of blue, I remember that I am and it turns me around. It's a good thought to have and believe.


  6. I am so happy that your wish is a reality.
    As you wish for yourself, so do I wish for you.

  7. you truly are loved for being just the way you are !!!

  8. Yay to having a wonderful, chock-full-of-love birthday! Loved your photos!

    as you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also.

  9. As you wish so I wish for you!

  10. You are very blessed. Glad you had a great birthday weekend! I wish to be and am loved in all those ways...

  11. Lovely... simply lovely!
    The photos went perfect...for such a wish!:]
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  12. Love your photos, and your wishes - they read like a poem.

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  13. Eloquently and beautifully said! As you wish for yourself I wish for you also. Have a wonderful day!

  14. Beautiful pictures Kimmy and I agree with you about the celebration time this weekend! A memorable, precious time! Love all around in all kinds of expressions, including Mother Nature!!!! I love you, Mom

  15. What a beautiful poem and celebration your wish has become!

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

    How wonderful your wish has already come true!

  16. Happy belated birthday. I am so sorry I was not around. you are loved for who you are. I loved this post, sending love your way. hugs.

  17. So glad you had the happiest of birthdays!! You are a joy to us all. And I love that photo of you.

  18. To be loved for you in this moment, that's a great wish. Some days the love feels sparse and others it's a rush of abundance. You given me some good food for thought. I'm thrilled your birthday was spectacular!

  19. Such wonderful photos!! And, Happy Belated Birthday! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!!

  20. What a wonderful birthday celebration you have had!! Good for you!! And good that you can receive all that love that is coming in to you

  21. dear one,

    you are such a gift to us all.
    i love you kim. thank you for your place in my forever heart.

  22. What a blessing you are -- and to have that kind of love is one of life's most precious treasures. I am so happy for you! (And you did look fetching in the birthday tutu, if I didn't say that before).

  23. What beauty filled photos..and beauty filled words..the love you describe is life enriching and inspiring! As you wish for your self so I too wish for you as well:)

  24. So happy that you had a wonderful bd weekend and that you KNOW that you are indeed loved.
