Friday, November 25, 2011

Haiku My Heart–Sister Magic


We are Sisters three.

Watch out if we clap our hands.

There’s magic in us.



I love this picture of my two sisters and me. It was taken about 4 years ago, when the fates somehow allowed the three of us to get together for a sister’s weekend at our family cottage at Lac Bibitte.

No kids, no husbands, just us three.

That is a rare thing.

As life’s ups and downs and even extreme challenges present themselves for us to handle, there is a preciousness in this circle of three that means so very much to me and to who I am.

I love these two little sisters of mine, so very much. While we are so very different, and live our lives in different ways, and even in different geographical locations, we are forever bonded in Love.

Love you, Tina.

Love you, Nattie.


Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones !

For more haiku love, visit the Beautiful Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon


  1. Sister love is such a bond...a beautiful bond. And the three of you are beautiful indeed. xo

  2. Haa... sisterhood is magical indeed! I don't have sisters myself, but luckily I have some soulsisters to pour sister love into... The photo is fabulous and the haiku so full of love. Enjoy the weekend dear one!

  3. I can feel the love-bond here Kim, Tina and Nattie! Hold onto it forever!

  4. Giving birth to three
    Most wonderful women now
    Joy in mother's heart

    Love you so much.

  5. Beautiful, makes me think of my two sisters....

  6. Yup magical! I have two sisters too, and love how we all fit together. Not three peas in a pod, but more like a vegetable soup...all with our own flavour.

  7. I feel the same way about my sisters...even though we live so far apart and rarely see each other, they are never far from my thoughts. And they probably know me better than anyone.
    You are all so beautiful!

  8. All of you are blessed ones.. be joyous and make merry... life is indeed beautiful with such love around.. your sisters are lucky to have you..

  9. All of you are blessed ones.. be joyous and make merry... life is indeed beautiful with such love around.. your sisters are lucky to have you..

  10. I enjoy seeing love shared this way! Happy for you all.

  11. I can tell there is a very powerful bond among the three of you. Wondrous!

    haiku on Friday
    a handful of syllables
    scattered heart to heart

    Haiku here and here

  12. I do not know about sisters, having two brothers instead. I do understand kindred spirits though. Lovely photograph.

  13. A wonderful family portrait, Kim. I can feel the magic and the love between you. I have a sister but not that relationship. I am so very happy that you do. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for sharing this lovely pic.
    Noelle xo

  14. it must be great to have a sister to love, not to say a group of them

  15. I can tell, by your beautiful smiling faces, that you share a wonderful connection with your circle of 3!

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  16. i love the charm you all cast with your sweet selves! great photo capture of power of love!

  17. i love that we both have sisters and regret not having more kids with the hope that my daughter could have had at least one....but a brother is nice :)

  18. lovely
    this circle of three
    lucky you
    to have two...

    xox - eb.

  19. I just love seeing you and your sisters. I had four once, making us five. Now we are three, too. I bet there is magic in each of you--and a triple whammy when the three of you gather.

  20. Sisters are the most special in the world. How wonderful you had time together *alone*, and how wonderful you all care so much for each other. Peace.

  21. Love this picture Kim, nothing like sisters is there. hugs to you.

  22. And each of beautiful!!
    Great pic!

  23. Three times the magic, three times the love, three times the beauty. Wonderful.
    I thank you for your healing thoughts over the past few weeks. It is much appreciated.


  24. Beatiful picture! There are three of us too! And the brother who gets doted upon.

  25. Beautiful photo! You are lucky to have each other!

  26. Whoever said three is a crowd is wrong!! You have proved it and the three of you sure look great together!!
    Happy days and all good wishes!!

  27. There is something in the number 3, isn't there? How wonderful that you found and recognized your magic.

  28. What a beautiful tribute to sisterhood. Lovely!!

  29. Fantastic sister love, I have that with some of my buds as you know, only child thing happening here, but it feels the same - big arms to encircle you. Hope you Thanksgiving was marvelous, the US one that is. xox Corrine
