Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I should be out Christmas shopping since I really haven’t started yet.

But I am not feeling very well physically today.

Tired, achy, lacking energy.

I decided to PLAY instead.

Man, it feels good to lose yourself for a few hours in the paper, paint, color, flow…

Here is my art journal page for today, December 14, 2011.





I hope you find ways to give yourself what you need today, Beautiful Ones.

Big Love !


  1. Marily Shafer JohnsonDecember 14, 2011 at 9:42 AM

    I've "lurked" at your site long I must comment.
    I wish I lived in your upstairs...I would love to be by you.
    Your words, photos, music, all your art is what I cherish every day. I borrowed your rock idea and I hope you know I don't sell them...I share them...can I be Rock Fairy II...please.
    My HOPE for you is that you understand what you don't feel good about and let your art heal you.
    That is all.
    p.s. I found you through Patti Digh...does that surprise you...not.

  2. this message is perfect for me today, as my body feels similar to yours!!! yessss!...big love to our bodies!! xox

  3. I think you totally did exactly what your body and your mind and your soul needed and seek inner peace. And I think you accomplished that with this journal page.

    The shopping will get done as it always does. And if it doesn't? There are other days...Christmas is about sharing and being together. Little ones don't always understand that (even when they become big little ones!) so as long as I have my kids covered...the rest is icing and somehow always falls into place.

    It will happen in it's time and I know you will have everything you need ready to roll before Christmas. xoxox

  4. beautiful, my dear Big Heart... and truer words were never spoken. it's so easy to forget to be grateful for these vehicle/bodies... what a job they do...


  5. Feel better, there is alot of that achy tired going around. Your pages is fantastic. I love the loved glass with heart! And your magical hand and its curling doodles. Making art always picks you up! Christmas can wait, take care of you! xox Corrine

  6. my body as a gift, huh....well then i better get it downstairs to the workout room and get my 3 miles in on the treadmill....i mean after all, i gotta keep this gift wrapped tight.....snort :)


    are you feeling any better ????

  7. How to make aches and pains go away?
    Play! play! play!
    Sending you big hugs and lots of motherly love my precious one.
    Mom xoxoxo

  8. I truly hope you feel better soon. Sometimes I wonder if our bodies don't take on the "brunt" of the pain before we feel it. I don't know if that makes any sense- I have some nerve damage from my Spina Bifida and sometimes when I get tired and achey I wonder if my body isn't working on healing something I'm not even aware of. I think it's true- our bodies are amazing things, and they deserve time and a chance to do their thing :) *huge hugs*

  9. I send you a big hug and some of the energy I woke up with this morning (which was - strangly enough to me - a lot!) I hope you feel better today soulsissy!

  10. Fabulous page!!!
    Love it...

  11. hope you are feeling better...I adore you, your colors, your art, your amazing Spirit. ((( Kim )))
