Friday, January 13, 2012

Haiku My Heart– Love is right.


I want to be right.

But I want to dwell in Love.

Love wins every time.


Something I am working on.

This inner battle between wanting to be right and

wanting to come from a place of Love in the decisions I make.

It comes up a lot in marriage, I find.

Going back to the roots,

back to Love,

feels a lot sweeter than being right does.

Once you swallow that lump. Winking smile


The piece above comes from the second section of the journal page I started  and posted about yesterday.


Blank page divided up…


Michael’s $1.50 butterfly stamp…


Some playful thought…

a lot of India ink and dip pen work,

plus some Inktense pencils and Twinkling H2O’s


and section two looks like this…


Lady Metamorphosis reminding me to be the change I want to see in the world.

Baby steps, Beautiful Ones, baby steps…

Happy Friday !



Friday means there is more haiku to enjoy at recuerda mi corazon. See you there !


  1. Kim, I love this the art, and the message. My friend and I talk about this a lot, and giggle more..."do I want to be right, or do I want to be Happy (love)...I have to stop myself and think in this way, a LOT... xo

  2. I have missed being here in the envelope of love. You are beautiful!
    And I know all about that lump.
    Sometimes I don't swallow it...I just hold it in my mouth til I can find a napkin to spit it into, LOL.

  3. I really like watching this page evolve, My Queen! Love is always the right choice, of course! xoO

  4. You are beautiful Lady Metamorphosis!! xo

  5. love LOVE LOVE LOVE your artwork! She is brilliantly beautiful!! Like YOU....great post today!! and everyday!! xoxoxo

  6. yes yes all of it, it's swallowing that lump that is hard sometimes.

    love how we are getting to watch your pages grow and unfold.


  7. Hi Kim,

    Wow is this a beautiful page, I was wondering what you would do with the butterfly. What you do always amazes me. Your post reminds me of a guiding principle from the Course in Miracles, a spiritual text I studied years ago. The phrase is "Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy" I like to say I choose to be happy all the time but alas I often want to be right. The phrase has helped a lot in my life and I have used it as a reminder for others who find themselves in difficult situations. Thanks for bringing such beauty into my day.


  8. Right on Little sweetheart!
    I love you,

  9. This is a beautiful haiku and lesson. The image is fantastic. Ms. Metamorphosis. It is hard to take, and admit openly. It takes loads of practice. the sooner we start the easier it becomes. Love trumps all sorrow.

    Much Peace

  10. You always make such cool art. I'm very familiar with the lump as well. ha, who knew... I thought it was a goiter. :/

  11. Sometimes, I’m ok with being right, but not pushing it, especially if I know I’m with someone who hates being proved wrong more than I do!! For me, it’s very important to consider the outcomes before leaping in to those conversations, and quite often I decide I care more about someone else’s feelings than I do about being right. Then, it’s easy! Nice reminder!

  12. Lovely journal and great haiku ~~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor)

  13. omg....this is a daily thing in our house. i always want to be right, and usually am....but i put love aside when i'm like that....

    thank you for teaching me.....i need to love more and be right less.....xoxoxo

  14. Lovely post Kim, you are the change darlin! xox Corrine

  15. Kim, what a great post! (as always) and I love what you did with the butterfly--awesome art. The 'frame' is very cool, too. Happy weekend!

  16. I think I'm going to stop right here in my perusing the internet today. You've made it. You've done it. All you need is LOVE. You've proved it. Thank you so much.

  17. One of the questions asked in A Course in Miracles is, "Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?" I've taken that to heart for many years now knowing that my right is not always everybody's else's right. But, damn it's hard. Love your process and words!

  18. I hardly have any time to visit blogs and/or comment (or art journal) lately - but I'm glad I hopped to your blog today. Read your wise words (swallow the lumb, yes) and see your colourful piece. Shine on dear one, shine on!

  19. These lumps can be awful to swallow; sometimes I feel like I am choking on them. But, oh, my, this book is morphing into something so spectacular and it's making my heart sing!

  20. Brillent ~ Creative ~ Beautiful
    I love how your butterfly transformed. She is amazing. I also LOVE your message. OH, so true Being right doesn’t always get us closer to LOVE.

    So looking forward to visiting with you again. Oh, I love seeing your birdie on the Brave Girl’s site.

  21. I just popped over from seeing your birdie featured on the Brave Girls Club emails. It is so nice to meet you. I love your art and the bright colors that you use. Love your blog too.

    Lee Ann

  22. Such vibrant colours! Such sweet sentiments both in this post and the one below. Be careful that lump doesn't give you indigestion. There are times to be right and times to keep the waters smooth. I often ask myself if it going to matter down the road. And some days all the small things seem big. It's a fine line we walk between sanity and well, the opposite! Glad yo are filling these cold, snowy January days with love!

  23. i hear you, sister, been married for 20+ years to a lawyer...and i still love

    your journal page is beautiful and so full of your personal imagery...lovely, lovely work

    love your haiku too

  24. Hi Kim, I saw your lovely bird painting on the Brave Girls. I love your work and your blog. I am also a mixed-media artist and I live in Charlestown, NH. Thanks for sharing!

  25. i have missed visiting your lovely pages and thoughts . . . Love is always the answer and yes that lump is hard to swallow at times. Love your page!
