Thursday, February 16, 2012

Capture Beauty and Play with it !

From this week’s Joy List…

1.Loving friendships that grow and fill us up…


Heart shadows from FLA 2012, for Colleen, photographed by Beth.


Heart shadows from Cape Cod 2010, Colleen, me and Linda, photographed by me.

2.Gadgets that help you capture beauty and play with it…


Chica and my new IPhone, complete with super photo editing apps !


like this lucky Sea Heart from Seaside, FL…


4. Unexpected blooms…


My hibiscus plant in the studio surprised me with the burst of red this morning!

5. Homecomings and Love Celebrations…


The card in the beautiful roses that David gave me for Valentine’s Day…


A detail of one of the roses…

This week was full of so many joys…the list is very long.

Recognizing them and celebrating them helps take the edge off the sorrows and hardships that accompany them in this bittersweet journey.

I am sending out light and love extra strong right now to some dear ones who really need it.

And focusing on the joys in my own life gives me the strength to do that.

Thanks for letting me share the joy with you, Beautiful Ones !

Let’s keep adding that sweetness to the world.



More joy sharing at Meri’s Musings.


  1. such a LOVEly post...

    the heart shadows stole my heart


  2. I love uour heart shapes! You are so lucky to have such a supply of beautiful stones; our beaches are protected and no stone allowed to be moved.

  3. Wonderful shadow pics and congrats on your new iPhone!! something that's on my wish list. Happy Thursday to you.

  4. Sweet sentiments, my friend. Let us all see and remember what is wonderful around us.

  5. Those shadow hearts are so cute to see!!!
    Love your "love note" too.
    That i know is true!!!
    Always lots of beauty and heart felt words here. Love visiting.

  6. You are a treasure, every time I come here I feel your JOY!

    Sue x

  7. as soon as i saw that title i thought of my phone
    do you have instagram? i am addicted to it, let me know your username please?

  8. Kim,

    Loving the love you bring to the world.

    We all need more love and joy in our lives.

    Thanks for being such a light.

  9. Livin them heart shadows! xox Corrine

  10. I love the Chica picture -- and the shadow pics -- and YOU!

  11. Such a joyful post! Loved it. Love those shadow heart images... ; )

  12. This brightened my day, I love My Queen's pictures! Love and joy right back to you today, Your Majesty, xoO

  13. Very sweet things Kim! Wishing you more blessings every day!

  14. Kim you find the joy wherever you go; and if there are others who do not see or feel the joy you open the door for them to find it. Sending out love to those you love who need some extra...♥

  15. if anyone is ever around you and leaves saying " i just don't get her and all her happiness and love" i'm going to have to throw my lucky beans right at them for being so blind......

    you are so brilliantly sweet !

  16. What wonderful joys you have! I adore the shadow photo's with hearts. Very cool!

  17. Wonderful thoughts and photos, those hearts are perfect!.

  18. Glad you had such a wonderful time, love the card from Dave and love all the photos. hugs to you.

  19. Your hibiscus flower is amazing! I can't wait for all the spring flowers to start up. Thankyou for this cheering post Kim!
    Jess xx

  20. I remember you as a bundle of joy! Your brought joy with your laughter from when you first began to share your infectious laugh as a little child! Back then I didn't have to explain to you to focus on joy...:):):) Thank you for continuing to bring this joy!! Beautiful post and love the pictures. Most of all I love you!
    Love you precious one,

  21. Kim,

    You'll love the new phone. I like using instagram with all its filters it is fun. Would you tell me what photo editing apps you've been using. I really have just used instagram and what the phone comes with.

    Your shadow photos are great.

