Monday, April 16, 2012

A little more action, please!

Outside my is 67 degrees at 9:00 am and we are expecting a high of 90. In April. In NH. Weird stuff !


Maple buds bursting..

I am thinking... mornings go way to fast and that the computer sucks so much time but that I love blogging !

I am thankful... that I am feeling a little better today. Stomach issues suck the energy out of you !

In the kitchen...looking for dairy free goodies for me and animal product free stuff (short term) for David as we make some big changes to how we are eating and try to be really mindful about what we put into our bodies.

I am blue t-shirt cotton night shirt and eggplant-colored El Naturalista clogs. Oh, and very bad bed head !

I am creating...little bits of art again and it feels so good.

I am the Health Food store, the grocery store and the post office. Woo hoo !

I am reading... information about being lactose intolerant and Probiotics. A life without cheese ?!?! Kind of depressing  but it may just be the ticket!

I am hoping... that making some good changes in my diet will help me feel better and give me more energy.

I am looking forward visit with Colleen this week. We have a secret creative project that I am excited about ! More later…

Around the house... windows are open, the birdies are serenading us and the furry pets are having their morning sunbeam naps.


Boo in a studio sunbeam.

One of my favorite things...the carwash ! The Rogue-y is back to its sexy, shiny self !

A few plans for the rest of the week: meditation class tonight, creative time with Colleen, a haircut and hopefully some more art time !

Some pictures to share with you : I made art ! Yay !


First up was adding my piece to my Creative Sister Eva’s book for the Creative Sisters Travelling Sketchbook project. We had gotten way behind due to life’s little challenges and that meant that I was creating a spread for the month of January in the month of April.


But since January is usually my least favorite month of the year, I was still inspired ! Winking smile


Eva’s book will be on its way to Jennifer today and hopefully, we can now keep up with the new flow, right, Sistahs ?

I also got to work on a 12 X 12 canvas I had started a while back.

The background was done, and these bits got added to it in two separate sessions.



The first session of Friday afternoon was actually very frustrating.

My girl’s face was soft blues and Payne’s grey but just wouldn’t work for me.

I ended up painting over the whole thing with black ink, and leaving it aside for the night.


I am still not sure I love it all.

But there are definite sweet spots in it that feel so good to my Artist Eye.




I am so pleased that I finally had some time to mess around and just create.

The rusty bits will soon smooth out with the creative oils being applied as needed !

So that’s the scoop around here on this fine Monday.

I hope that your week has some moments where you can do exactly what you love !

Light and love, Beautiful Ones !


  1. Great post Kimmy!! I feel energized just reading this and viewing your art -- I love the January page...that tree is so very, very January!

    Digestive systems...our bodies change and the food we eat has changed (I'm convinced of that). I wish you much success in regulating your system...spring seems to be the season for purging in every possible way!! xoxo

  2. MMM!!! What a fun post - thanks for the grateful glimpse of your morning time. I really like what I see happening in your painting. happy rest of the week, sus

  3. Yes, what a fun post, My Queen! There is so much out there that we can put into our bodies, but each one of them is different and needs different things at different life stages to be at its best. I am doing the same thing--modifying my food intake to be clean and nurturing to myself. I wish both the King and Queen the very best in this.

    Wishing you more times of happy creating, especially with Colleen,

    Love, blessings, health, xoO

  4. this is mother nature calling....get outside and enjoy the warmth i'm giving you :)

    and no cheese? well they make cheese alternatives and i've used them before {from whole foods} and they weren't that bad to be honest......

    do you take probiotics or acidophilus daily ? i do and swear by them !!!


  5. RF, we have the same heat here....just checked, 88*. I am enjoying your snowman most particularly today ;)

  6. RF, we have the same heat here....just checked, 88*. I am enjoying your snowman most particularly today ;)

  7. HI Kim,
    I love all the colors in your painting, gorgeous reds and warm shades to match the weather-Hope you enjoy your 'Summer in April' it's 72˚ here :-)

  8. Good luck with your new eating habits. Small changes can make a big difference to how we feel.

    Love your painting - don't change a thing!!

  9. Loved seeing your sweet words and sweet spots too. Its always a pleasure to have a visit with you.



  10. oh my goodness, i LOVE the color of her skin + swirl + the lush flower + how you combine all your ingredients into abundant bloom.

  11. I love your journal pages, they remind me of Frida Kahlo's sketchbook (I have a hardback copy of it.) I like how the white lines pick out the face against the dark colour.I love the background too, gorgeous colours!
    I too am trying to cut out dairy. It's causing joint problems for me which I used to ignore but now I'm over 50 (eek!) my body isn't bouncing back like it used to! Good luck with yours, I love cheese so I feel your pain!
    Jess xx

  12. Lots of changes it sounds like..and our weather, omg, can we all say climate change!!

    Love your painting group of girls are photographing those little sweet spots that we love and painting an entire painting of this bit.


  13. Good luck with the diet Kim! Sounds like a lot of work to find all the do's and dont's out... I love your art pieces, the January spread looks real 'January-ish' and beautiful! I love the black portrait too!

  14. You journals leave me full of energy and smiles. Have fun with that secret project!

  15. I love your journal entry for january :) I know it's hard to do while it's nice out. I just did December :/ I hope too that the books will travel quickly now. Can you believe we've been doing this almost a year already?!

    I love love love that painting and the black face is fantastic. Your "sweet spot" certainly is!!!

  16. Your January journal entry is really cool. Love the rock snowman!

    I also get my morning time suck at the computer but am starting to limit its length so I can get more done.

    I hope your dietary changes help you to feel better. Its hard to make changes and cut out things you love *cheese* but worth it if you feel better.

    Good luck,

  17. Ohhh!!! Ahhh!! Lovely pages! I really like the inukshuk - he does indeed look like a rock snowman. And it will make me think of you

    I was just thinking about the sketchbooks. I have done 7/12 and the year is about up. Hopefully the other 5 will find there way to me and to their owners soon.

    Thanks Kim!!!

  18. I love all this art!!!
    My mother swears by no dairy but i have trouble giving up cheese too! Don't you just wish dr's had a bit more advice about nutrition? We've done the dairy free-gluten free for my son for 6 years and never once had any help from a dr.
    As for me i feel sooo much better when i eat vegan, which i admit i can't stick to for very long as i am a junk food eatter by habit.

  19. Lovely canvas, Kim! The colors are so yummy. Have a beautiful day!
