Monday, May 21, 2012

Love Ocean Heaven and my Mommy’s Visit

I had a lovely weekend !

My Mom’s visit was a sweet one.

Friday night, David and I took her out to the “bahr” and we had some beers and chicken wings. Fun !

We spent Saturday shopping in our no tax NH stores.

My Mom ended up with a beautiful summer wardrobe chosen by her and her personal shopper.

She is going to feel beautiful all summer long !

Sunday, we got to go to the beach !

It was about 85 degrees in Manchester, but only about 65 in Hampton Beach, and that ocean wind made it feel even cooler !

But the sun was shining and the waves were rolling !



Perfect for some walking and



some message leaving…



And a bit of a photo shoot for the two beach babes. Winking smile



The original plan was for me to head to back to Montreal along with my Mom

for a few days,

because there is a new baby boy for me to meet !

My dear friend Andrea, gave birth to her son, Anderson, on May 11th and I am really wanting to go and give him a huge snuggle, and a big hug to his beautiful Mommy and loving Daddy.

But there are some things that need doing here this week, so the visit is postponed  for a bit.

I am so looking forward to that sweet baby smell !

I also felt relieved and pleased when I gave into the change in plans this morning.

I think that is how you know that you are making the right decision about things, don’t you ?

See you soon, Andrea and your beautiful threesome !


Here are a few of my latest journal pages.

I haven’t been doing as much art making as I would like.

I really want to get back to doing at least a few pages a week in my journal.


This page was done the day after Anderson was born. My sister had called me and told me about the death of her dear neighbor. One birth and one death in my extended circle in one day.


Another reminder of the preciousness of each and every day.

And how important it is to live this life to its fullest in the present moment…


For me that means focusing as much as possible on what is good in order to keep the positive growing in my world…

I hope you have a glorious Monday, Beautiful Ones,

and that the good stuff nurtures your Soul !

Big Love !


  1. What medium do you use in your journal? Is it watercolor? You have inspired me to start my own!

  2. You two are definitely very beautiful beach babes!!
    Lovely photos!!

  3. you and your mom are so beautiful together....and the beach as a backdrop....swoon !!

    i love what you said about knowing what's right...when you can make a change with your plans or decisions and know in your heart it's what was supposed to happen.


  4. Two beautiful women!
    Living a beautiful expansive life!
    Thanks for encouraging us to do the same!


  5. Birth and Death -- they are so closely entwined...the beauty of a life as it finishes and the beauty of a life as it begins.

    Love these photos of you and your mother at the beach. Two beautiful women sharing special time together. And I love that her "personal shopper" has her all set for the summer!

    Making the decision to not go to Montreal right now and knowing that you did the right do know. You just "feel" it as something warm in your stomach!!! xoxox

  6. Your Mother is just as beautiful as you are!

    Beautiful art Kim!!


  7. How lovely to have this time with your wonderful mother, My Queen! There is indeed a relief and pleasure I think when we give into the right plans for the right time even if they weren't exactly what we'd initially chose. It's weird for me in that despite all of the negatives of being housebound with pain, I am enjoying the cloistering part and the slowing down and change in pace as I attempt to heal. Much love, xoO

  8. Oh yes, good decisions come with that feeling... you will meet the youngman soon, I'm sure! Love the pics of your mum on the beach and your pages are - like always - beautiful and so YOU. (I have a problem with that lately, you know that... I do hope to get some MEtime this week to make MEpages!)

  9. Loving these pics of you and your mom! And, yes to the focusing on what is good.
