Monday, August 6, 2012

Love More–For John, Patti, Emma and Tess


(37 Days Mug – Love More, a gift from Patti to David and me)

So last Wednesday night, my dear Writer Lady/Friend, Patti Digh,

received the kind of scary news that stops you in your tracks.

Her beloved Mr. Brilliant, her husband John, has cancer.

Renal Cell Carcinoma to be exact.


Finding this out was a dart straight to my heart.

I, like so many of Patti’s friends, adore John Ptak, for his humor, his incredible fathering skills, his gentle loving acts, and of course, his brilliance.

The dart was a sharper one than it might have been because

renal cancer is the disease that took my own Dad’s life, way too early,

when I was thirty and he was 53.

As scared and sad as I was when I heard this diagnosis for my friend’s Love,

I am determined to keep light, love and hope around John, Patti, Emma and Tess

as they face these challenges and come through to the other side.

Patti has a vision of returning to Tybee Island on another family vacation, with love and hope intact.

And I am going to share her vision.


So are many, man more of her friends and readers.

In fact a whole community of hearts is surrounding this sweet family,

giving love and shining bright lights on them all.

Amy McCracken, who writes the 3X3X365 blog with Patti and Kathryn, is part of a team organizing ways to help the family out.  John is uninsured, you see, so there will definitely be a need for $$ as part of the plan.

In that regard, I have made some changes to my Etsy shop.


One of the items there are 37 Days Rock My World Rocks.

From today through October 1, 2012 (and possibly longer depending on how I can keep up with the demand), I will be donating all of the price for these Rock My World rocks to John and the family, and their fight to kick this cancer to the curb asap ! That means $7.50 from each bag of 13 rocks. I will only keep the shipping fees to cover my costs.

So if you have been wanting some Rock My World rocks, now would be a wonderful time to order them. You can enjoy the rock love and also know you are helping provide some extra love and support to this awesome family.


In the mean time, please add your prayers, your love and your light to the waves heading out to John, Patti, Emma and Tess.

Love is the answer, Beautiful Ones.

This I know.


“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”  ~ Mother Teresa


  1. You are so beautiful. That is all. ♥

  2. What a lovely gift. Wishing healing for all of them.

  3. This is indeed a beautiful gift, My Queen. xoO

  4. Lovely as always, I will be sending up healing prayers for John and the family.

  5. Kim,

    I love, absolutely love this!

    Rock on with love my amazing friend ♥

  6. You, your love, your friend, her family... I hug you all and you all are in my heart today. Love is the answer.

  7. Prayers and positive vibes to your friends... I have been through this... My husband was days away from dying when he was diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer, that was 4years ago and he is still here and living his life! Attitude is everything! You are so sweet to help out financially too...

  8. Holding everyone in prayers. I will definitely buy some rocks of inspiration and sned healing money for Patti's love. We are all in this together. Blessings and love to you my beautiful daughter and I am so proud of you. It is a pleasure and privilege to be your mom. Love to all.

  9. Wow, spoken like a true Kimmypoo. I'll take a big bag next time you come north, save the shipping costs, I'll connect with Mom if I can't see you in person. What a lovely gift to offer to them and the world. Living in a land of socialized medicine, it is staggering to think of what they are facing financially. I'll stay tuned and light a candle for the family and hope that you are up painting rocks into the wee hours of the morning because demand is so high. love to you, too, Kimmypoo.

  10. What a lovely gift. Such hard news - I am sending prayers up for their family.

  11. Let me know when I can buy them! You must be sold out!

  12. I, too, adore this family. I am a craftsperson and if you need any help with the orders, please let me know. I can base coat, write, whatever you need. I was trying to think of some way to help and this seems like the perfect way to help in some small way. I also want to order some! Good work.
    Donna @

  13. My heartfelt prayers and thoughts to him and his friends and family

  14. These are the gestures of love that remind me that our world is full of beautiful people.

  15. I just placed my order for two bags of your inspiring rocks. I plan to give them out to my clients this year at Christmas as a simple thank you gesture. I am happy that my purchase goes to support your friends in their time of need.
    May this blessed circle of love continue . . .

  16. I just placed my order for two bags of your inspiring rocks. I plan to give them out to my clients this year at Christmas as a simple thank you gesture. I am happy that my purchase goes to support your friends in their time of need.
    May this blessed circle of love continue . . .

  17. Hello old friend! I saw this news and it made me think of you. I know Patti is a friend of yours. I'm sending love and healing thoughts to her and her family.

    Sending love and hugs to you as well :)

  18. Beautiful way to honor your friend and her husband. Love rocks it is. xox

  19. That is so sweet and such a wonderful tribute!
