Friday, November 16, 2012

Haiku My Heart–Our November Time


We came together,

Spirits dancing, Heart Music.

Our November time.


(Sister Cuffs - photo by Elizabeth Bunsen)



Happily home again.

In love with my man, my house, my furry kids, my life.

Grateful for my incredible November time with special, special loved Ones.

Grateful for this day.

Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones.

May grateful moments fill you up today too.


For more haiku love, visit rebecca at recuerda mi corazon


  1. Love,love, love those bracelets! And I like your haiku, too!

  2. So beautiful Kim, your haiku, sister-cuffs, and all this melody of all that you love!

  3. Kim,
    I just love those bracelets. I want to make something similar. Are they all fabric or did you start with felt? They look like layers of different bits of felt or fabric or both. I love all the stitching and layers on them. As you might imagine I do know how to felt so I could easily make some to make one of these. On the other hand using some a=gorgeous fabrics could be cool too. Please let me know when you can.


  4. beautiful Kim... speaking of gratitude...
    hope that you will consider sharing an offering for this year's 4th annual gratitude word quilt. You can find information about the project and how to participate at the top of my blog. If you’ve already sent something thank you and forgive my poor memory. The quilt is growing quite expansive and with only first names, I can’t always remember who already shared. Feel free to write in your native language google translate is available on my blog so every one can read and understand one another. Every Blessing~ Laura

  5. so so so cool...I love know me and my fiber, stitching addiction...xoxoxo

  6. Look at these two are getting to spend SO much time together, makes me happy!!

  7. Thank you for sharing your fabulous positive outlook and blessings with me, (I know, It could be 'us', but there is no one at my side, so it is me that you are sharing these thoughts with).
    Love the thoughts put into words.

    Much peace, Love and Light my friend

  8. how lovely and lively.....we need attitudes of gratitude every month!

  9. Could you sprinkle some of that love-y stuff on me, please?

  10. You haiku sounds like the beginning of a song...I didn't want it to end.
    Love to You, you beautiful, shiny person YOU!

  11. Beautiful bracelets and thank you as always for the positive energy, I need it! Happy weekend, dear Queen.

  12. your sister cuffs have a look of wings about them ... winging your way to friends and family near and far

  13. They do and they have! Love those cuffs!!

  14. Lovely, sweet, wonderful and so YOU. Love you too, Kimmypoo!

  15. Hi precious beautiful one. I realized this morning that I haven't check your blogs for a whole week...Busy-ness took over. And having perused the week today, once again I am moved to tears (almost) at the beauty, intelligent, hearty, wonderful, wholesome, amazing work you share! I love you so much and your expression of yourSelf is PERFECT and perfectly wonderful. Thank you so much for you! I love you, Mom

  16. I always thought November was a bit of a 'lost month' but you show that it isn't... and makes me love November!
