Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day after…

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It would seem that elections give me headaches.

It must be all that line drawing, “I win, you lose” and battleground crap. I am so happy with the outcome, as I believe in Barack Obama. He is the only candidate that gives me any hope that we can ever get closer to living in that field that Rumi talks about.

I know it won’t happen in my life time, but there is always hope.

I have a horrible headache this morning and I have many things to accomplish today.

Tomorrow, I leave for a week long visit up north.


(Jessie on the right, with her mom, my sister, Natalie)

Number 1 is time with my niece Jessica, who is 21, and who really wanted to make a plan for some Aunt/Niece time when I saw her about a month ago. How could I refuse ??? So we are taking two days in a hotel in Mont Tremblant, to hang out and spend precious time together !!! We got a great deal on the hotel as it is kind of the dead season up there until the snow falls. I am so excited to be with that girl!

I will also see my mom, my two sisters and a friend or two, (there is never enough time to see everyone I would love to see !)

and then on Monday,

I head back down to VT to spend some time with e.b. !

It is bundle up time in VT in every sense of the word,


and I need to share some of that time with my amazing friend !


Off to pop some Advil and hope that this headache doesn’t slow me down too much.

Wishing you a happy Wednesday, Beautiful Ones !


  1. Have a wonderful time, My Queen, you so deserve it. You are wealthy beyond measure, rich in loving friends and family members, and I am so glad that you get to spend time with them. Enjoy! xoO

  2. Oh shake that headache (I've got one myself but I think mine is more flu oriented than election hangover!)...and enjoy your family & friend time and then your eb "soul" time! Just what this month calls for! xo

  3. Happy Trails Kimmypoo. Sounds like a fun filled time - all of it. Soak it up and soak it in!

  4. happy travels, bright one... xoxo

  5. I hope your headache has disappeared and you are all set to go on that trip and meet your loved ones. Enjoy, dear, breath in the love and enjoy!

  6. safe travels
    see you soon!!!

    xox - eb.
