Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Semi-Wordless Wednesday–1st Day of Spring


It’s the first day of spring ?

How come it feels like a giant bird just pooped on top of my whole world ?

Winking smile

Just jokin’

Happy Spring to all !

(Melt, you damn white stuff, melt !)

Oh, and

Happy Birthday to my brilliant, awesome nephew, Thomas, who turns 10 today !

Love you, Kiddo !



  1. Spring is spring just beneath the white stuff. The sun is warming things up...Do you believe it? :):):) I agree, enough wipe poop .
    Love you Kimmy xoxox

  2. Your spring looks just like our spring!

  3. Happy Birthday to the nephew! And I'm still laughing about a giant bird pooping on your world!!! Spring has a funny way of showing herself!! xo

  4. Oh 10! Oh Spring! Where for art thou, Spring? A round of applause for Thomas. A big kick in the butt for the extra snow...looking forward to seeing you next week, Kimmypoo - it has been toooo long!

  5. "A giant bird pooping on your whole world" -- now that's funny!
    It's coming, I know it is. Dig through that poop and find the buds, they are there, just find 'em!
    Happy SPRING!! yay
