Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Perfectly Blessed !

This photo is in response to Patti Digh’s post on 3X3X365 yesterday.

“We find happiness where we can. And that is everywhere.”


The Universe sent me this smile gift in the form of a food face last night.

Do you notice little gifts from the Universe?

Like food faces,

heart rocks,

or maybe a tune that the dishwasher brings into your head for you to hum along with ?

(Yes, I do need to get out more. Some of my Blogland friends do too! You know who you are !)


they are harder to see

than the bright shiny gifts that friends give us.



Like this glorious print that arrived in the mail yesterday from my loving friend, Sherry.


The piece is by artist and wise woman, Julia Fehrenbacher

and goes along with this incredible post she wrote last week on the Painted Path.


At a time when I have been struggling with loving myself just as I am, right in this moment,

and making each day feel of value to my life,

Julia’s words are like a friend reaching out in the darkness.

Just like my friend Sherry does!

Thank you to both of you for making me feel seen, and loved,

and most of all,

thank you for inspiring me to see and love my blessedly imperfect self !


Blessedly imperfect perhaps, but perfectly blessed, that’s for sure !



We are bracing for some kind of icky storm here. A crazy mix of rain and snow and ice and all the crap this time of year can throw at us.

I am off to get a haircut and do a little shopping today,

and then buckle down to some Thanksgiving prep. here at home tomorrow.

Be safe, and be thankful, Beautiful Ones !

Big Love !


  1. I'm so glad it arrived and I'm so glad that you love it -- and may it always remind you how loving and beautiful you are just as you are and how much you are loved.

    As for dishwashers that play a tune...sometimes we just jingle along to what we notice and what we see/hear/feel in the universe...much like your food face! hee!!

    love you much!! xoxo

  2. Showering our daily world with APPRECIATION is the most important work we can do for ourselves. Its not always easy or in the front of our bitty brains when the ice and snow are sticking to the window panes but with reminders like these it IS easy.
    Such a great gift from a great friend. Hold on to those big purple ears and ride out the storm! :-D
    with a warm embrace ~Dawn

  3. How lucky to be blessed with a friend like Sherry! xox

  4. The weather is awful right now! Bleh...a little bit of everything winter-y. And here I am in my cozy house, lucky, lucky me! I am happy I am here Kim, you are always a wealth of good cheer and interesting, thoughtful links. I am off to buy some sea glass...truly generous of Kim...and with half of Mia's family living in the Philippines, her gesture really made my heart swell.
    I am grateful to know you Kim!
    ♥♥♥ Happy, Cozy Thankful-giving Day!
    PS: Sherry and her boombox dishwasher!!! She is crazier than me....isn't she??? Hmmmm, prolly not, I keep hearing bells that no one else hears. Whatever, lol!

  5. Dear Kim,

    What a blessed gift to be here, to read your words & to see my art. (Thank you, dear Sherry, for showing me the way.) :)

    Kim - to know that my words helped you feel seen and loved fills me right up.

    I hope this print serves as a reminder that you are a blessed gift, just as you are.

    With so much love,

