Wednesday, January 7, 2015

This day is savable.

Hard to believe that the holidays have come and gone.

The visit to Montreal and my peeps was awesome !


And so was the visit with my friend Suzanne,

who came and spent a fun New year’s week with us.


Now she’s gone home,

David’s gone back to work

and I need to re-find a routine that makes me fill fulfilled and like I am living towards my purpose.

Big ambitions, huh ?

Winking smile

Well, I started off small, which always works better for me.

I have pretty much given up coffee in the morning in favor of protein shakes (gluten, dairy, sugar free vanilla veggie protein powder with fresh fruit, spinach, water and ice in the blender).

They are super yummy, and keep me full and energized until lunch most days.

I have also re-committed to a meditation practice each morning.

I tend to have pretty lousy self discipline, but so far this new morning routine is really comfortable.


Pumpkin likes to join me at meditation time and perches herself on the arm of my chair.

Sweet Cat vibes add to the goodness.

The next addition will be some more physical exercise. Walking and/or a bike ride on my new bike that Santa Dave got me for Christmas.

My 7 speed cruiser in retro lilac ! Cute and comfortable.

Won’t be in any triathalons on it but good for getting this butt moving !


Another important piece to reviving my self-loving routine

is to bring back the ART !!!


Worked on a little 6X6” canvas today.

Acrylic paint and collage.


I was flipping through an old dictionary looking for a title and

the word


popped out.

“Capable of being saved.”


I think we all are.

I hope we all are.


I’m planning some fun arty days with some East Coast Florida friends soon. I really need that art tribe to make me feel complete.

I hope your new year, new month, new week, new day

routines are off to a good start, Beautiful Ones.

Big love to you !


  1. Beautiful, as always. I'm trying to get back into the spirit of creating too- I declared this morning that I was going to start painting again today. That may mean just refreshing myself on my painting materials, but anything in that direction would be a positive start!

  2. Perfect painting. Nice bike, way to go Mr. David. xox

  3. hey my dear Big Heart...

    i just replied to your comment at my place via email and it bounced back. so i'll leave my words here...

    first of all, thank you for your kind words!! second of all, have a fabulous 2015 my friend. i'll be following along...


  4. hi lovely one….so happy to see you back here!

    and what you wrote reminded me a bit of my reason to choose reclaim for my word…..we deserve the best for ourselves and only we can give it us….right ???


  5. Sounds like a good and healthy routine my friend... I should follow that but I cannot do withouth morning coffee ánd I now live in a place where the wind blows (hard!) almost every day... my peninsula is famous for that. I do have two bikes though and no car, so I get my excersise often. I'm glad to see you creating again, it brings happiness (to yourself as well as your blogreaders!) Enjoy the weekend my dear!

  6. So glad you are following your dreams big and small Kim! xx

  7. I want to send this blog post to the whole world!!! What an inspiration you are! Post is where everyone can see it. You are magnificent! I love you so much. Way to find your way my precious one! Life is so amazing and so are you.

  8. I meant to say Post it where everyone....
    :) love you

  9. A sweet post - happy new year dear heart - loving the new bicyclette :)
