Thursday, April 28, 2016

Meet Maso

Here is the latest of the poppets I have created. 
I learned the technique from Kecia Deveney and have fallen in love with allowing these new characters come into being.

This is my new friend with his face painted.

And here is the complete persona, Maso.

Maso is kind of a little demon. (See his horns?) 

He is that part of us that does naughty, slightly mean things every once in a while, but spends time regretting and feeling guilty about his actions later.

 You know, like when you take that parking place even though you see the other car coming because, hell, you're in a hurry too today! Or like when you don't tell your waitress that she forgot to charge you for your second drink. She was kind of slow after all.

Maso doesn't always do what's right. But like all of us on this chaotic, bittersweet, bumpy road we call life, 

he's trying hard to improve, and live the best little well lived life he can. 

Maso joined my other poppets on the shelf in the studio. 
I'm starting to imagine their adventures when the house is dark and I am sleeping  away in my night sweat drenched bed.

Happy Thursday, Beautiful Ones! 


  1. Beautiful troop Kim! Love how they turned out. ��

  2. Wonderful bunch of poppets. Each so cute with their adorable personalities. Would love to know how you made them. xx

  3. Love this guy and his story. What a group! How fun that you're enjoying another dimension of creativity. xo

  4. Wonderful and fun fun fun. I bet your poppets have a lovely time when everyone is asleep.

  5. Your poppets are amazing...I have been missing your posts...I am happy to once again start my day with the JOY of your creativity...GOOD is all around...Thanks to You for bringing the GOOD.

  6. Oh my goodness, so much goodness in these wonderful poppets! Love them!
    Also wanted to check that you got my email, i don't want to rush your answer if you did, but if you didn't get it, leave me a note on my blog as i have a proposition for you....

  7. These are simply marvelous. I bet they dance about the house at night to their own music.😊
