Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Red, an White, an Green All Over

In honor of the beautiful crop of basil that grew on my back deck container garden (one of the only things that thrived with this crazy growing season),

today's post is called
"Red, an' White, an' Green, Capiche ?"



an' Green...

Capiche ?

No I am not Italian - not a drop as far as I know.

But the color scheme just came together when I made one of my favorite

Summer Tomato, Basil, Herb of the Gods, dish yesterday.

The recipe is actually my friend Suzanne's which is funny because

she's the type of gal who's favorite cookbook is the Yellow Pages, especially the pages with

restaurants that say "We deliver." This is the one and only recipe in her repertoire I think, but it is a goody !

This is Suzanne's version of Pasta Primavera.

So simple and soooo yummy !

Ingredients :

4 or 5 ripe summer tomatoes, diced but chunky

One 7 ounce jar of Salad Olives (lazy Chick's way - you can slice the whole Green Olives up if you hate pimentos but I like 'em)

A big handful of fresh Basil, Herb of the Gods, chiffonaded or chopped, or ripped or whatever

A block of mozzarella cheese cut into small cubes

One clove of garlic, put through a garlic press or grated on a mircoplane

A couple of tablespoons of olive oil - I do three swirls around the bowl

Lots of fresh ground pepper (no salt needed, the olives are very salty).

Chop,chiffonade, grate, press, swirl, all these ingredients and throw them into a bowl. Toss well.

Allow to sit for at least an hour.

Youra kitchen is gonna smell soooo gud, capiche ? Just like Luigi's Momma's kitchen...

Then you cook a batch of linguine up, nice and al dente.

Drain the pasta but DO NOT RINSE !

Plate the pasta up. Add the room temp. tomato mixture on top of the hot pasta and inhale the sweet aroma of melty cheese, tomato and garlic and olive yumminess...

Eat it with friends who love olive and basil as much as you do and it is even better ! (David hates olives and is kind of allergic to too much garlic so I ate mine alone yesterday for a summer time comfort food lunch.) This recipe serves about 4.

It will make you feel so good and comforted that you will feel like putting a whole lotta Love right back out there...

(Some Rock My World rocks, packaged and now on their way to Blogland friends, who ordered some Rock Fairy Love from my Etsy shop.)

Now, go and have a happy Wednesday, capiche ?


  1. Bellissima!! Sounds divine!!! I can feel my taste buds starting to water...oh I want this!!!!! I am going to make this (and leave the olives only for me since I'm the only one who likes them around here!!!). Some of summer's best...tomatoes and basil!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Only one clove of garlic??!!!!!!!!!

    Yummmmmy! (I love olives)

  3. Oh yes, what a treat! I loved your post, all of it- and the recipe. My favorite though is your Chica dog, ooh she is cute!

  4. Basil! I plant it just for the smell in the garden, but I love to eat it too. But one measly clove of garlic?! Eeeps! Gonna modify that recipe a little...more like one bulb of garlic for me!

  5. I am "allergic" to kitchens (hate to cook!) but that looks simple enough that even I could do it! And it looks yummy.

  6. It looks and sounds delicious! What a lovely fun post!

  7. Oh this tastes so gooood! But wait - I didn't actually eat it! It is just before dinner time here at this very moment :)

    Love the recipe, will definitely use this one.

  8. you're so cute....
    and everything you touch is colorful and yummy !

  9. Oh, no, you've made me so hungry now! :) I'll eat anything with fresh basil.

  10. Kim,

    Your highness gave all of quite a treat both visually and culinary. Nice pic of you too!


  11. oh I am going to camp out by the mailbox tonight.....I can't wait to get my goodies! This post is fun and fabulous! Now I am so hungry!

  12. this post makes me feel happy ...

    ... capiche!

  13. I can not wait to make this! AND I do so love seeing my name on a pretty package. Love the passing them along.
