Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Queen Celebrates It Right !

My birthday weekend started with some sweet time with my friend Suzanne sharing some of what I do :

suzanne&book  (Suzie with “Creative is a Verb”)   DSC00082

And some of what she does. (Suzie’s hand dyed silk ready for making felted scarves).

My plan was to see my friend Kim, the Bodhi Chicklet, too but Montreal fall bridge construction and parking lot traffic prevented that…


Chica didn’t mind – she was quite enamored of Suzie’s couch…

Sunday was off to my sister Nat’s house to so all three sisters and their gangs could be together for Canadian Thanksgiving.


Not sure if my sisters were feeling quite themselves…(Kristina)

I may be the oldest but they are looking a little worse for wear, don’t ya think ?


(Natalie) Hee, hee !


Natalie organized a little treasure hunt for the kiddos in the back yard. DSC00121

The littlest kiddo, Miss Katie, got some help from her Uncle Dave. My heart melts to see her hold his hand,or really just one finger, like this !


I’ll bet she like it a whole lot better than holding her brother Tom’s hand that is just a little scary….plus who nose where it has been !  ;-)


We did some visiting in the old family graveyard…


and made friends with a ghost or two.

The three sisters left their marks on three pumpkins…

Guess which one was mine !



My Mom and I made a Gourd-geous center piece with things from the backyard and some funny looking produce.

But most of all, what we did  at our gathering was LOVE,

something my family does BEST !


Kristina and Lise…


Mom and her bro, Nicholas…   39558_476903314458_573819458_6717860_5041543_n[1]

My dad’s brother, sweet Uncle Charlie, his three boys, Mathieu, Simon and Nicholas, and my darling Auntie Lise… 


Mom and her tag partner/grandson, Nathan…


Kristina and Nick…


Uncle Nick and his beautiful daughter, Lindsay…

So much good loving…

Oh and there was even cake ! Home made luscious carrot cake made by Lise. She loving makes my birthday cake every year!



Here’s me laughing when I saw how many candles there were on it…

Laughing to keep from crying…

Not really !

What does this birthday girl have to cry about ?

Forty-five years old and living a fine, super loving life, surrounded by incredible peeps, an abundance of beauty and possessing the wisdom to be so very thankful for it all.

Now that’s worth celebrating, Beautiful Ones !

And believe me, I did a fine job at it !

Happy Tuesday !


  1. Oh what fun pictures, you look so happy and your life is so fulfilled, it shows in your face. I am so glad your birthday was wonderful.....


  2. precious, precious time with family.

    Happy Birthday Kim!!

  3. I can see you are surrounded by love and supported by frineds who know your true self.

    That and cake?

    Not much mor to ask for in this world.

    Happy 45....

  4. You look happy and beautiful, My Queen, and like you're blessed with wonderful family. What a great birthday! Love to you all year long, O

  5. Happy Happy Happy!!!! (sweet young thing!!!)

  6. It looked like a great time. I have to say...not that everyone in your family isn't beautiful... but your mom has the prettiest smiling eyes! Aren't we lucky to be surrounded by family love..

  7. I'm so happy to see such a fun and rich birthday celebration. You did yourself up fine!

  8. Hi Kim!
    It was really hard for me to pick a pumpkin...they were all so wonder-full, so I will take a stab and say the first one. Or the last one. Hmmm. (no wonder I need the patron saint of indecision)

    I always love to see love. And you brought it.
    Your Mom is like mine...incredibly GORGEOUS!!!
    Thank god(dess) we look like our Mamas, right?


  9. wow....you really did whoop it up this year !

    and i think the pumpkin on the far right is yours, no ?

  10. What a beautiful family even the ghoalish ones! LOL
    Happy birthday again...sweet time. Enjoy, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Happy Birthday to my favourite (see? I even spelled Canadian in your honor...I mean honour)Queen of Arts, Rock Fairy, Domino Buddy and all round great person! Many Happy Returns, Kim!
    Linda D.

  12. Looks like you had a fab time with your beautiful family x

  13. What a fabulous time you had with family and friends!! Great photos! I felt like I was there, celebrating with you!! Cake looked delish!! Yum!!
    I will guess you did the middle pumpkin!!! Looked so happy!!
    PS Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. This makes my heart happy.

    So glad you had such a wonderful celebration!
