Monday, November 29, 2010

It’s Monday Morning, and I ‘m Feelin’ Fine…

Monday Morning…bright and sunny.

I am feeling really energized which is a rare thing on a Monday morning in November !

I had a nice slow weekend so maybe that is why.

I spent some time yesterday setting up my dining room table with all my West High School Friends of the Theatre Knights Craft Fair goodies.

A dress rehearsal for next Saturday, December 4th, if you will…



I am feeling pretty good about how things look and what I have to sell.

Magnets, stuffed birds, stuffed “Star Shine” stars, paper Christmas ornaments, some jewelry pieces including rings and necklaces, and cards with my art on them.




And of course, you know the Rock My World rocks will make an appearance. I will be offering these as little gifts to Craft Fair shoppers…


A little bit more tweaking and some help from my friends, David and my pal Suzanne from Montreal, and the sale should be a success. Whatever doesn’t sell next Saturday will come up to Montreal with me next week so my Number 1 Salesperson, my Mom, can help me earn some more $$ for my own Christmas gift giving.

I am hoping that the good energy that I have today lasts through the week and maybe, gasp, even through the holidays ?!

Here’s some cute/funny pics of my Furry Kiddos this morning…


Azzy, so handsome. Little Boo, who is as crazy as he looks. My Chica-Lu-lu,

who just celebrated her 7th birthday, looking like a sweet puppy.

Love those critters!

I hope your Monday is full of good energy, Lovely Ones !

Big Love !


  1. Good to hear you feel fine. Your art display is terrific. I am sure you will sell tons. And giving the rocks away is a sweet jesture too.
    Now those cats touch my heart and that dogs eyes, well they say volumnes! Happy Monday!

  2. Good Morning Kim, Your tree looks inviting and so do all the other goodies you have made. I am sure your show will be a great success. Have a lovely Monday my Queen.

    I am off to the studio to sew up some fun gifts and maybe paint a little. I need some play time.


  3. Everything looks fantastic! I'm sure it will be a huge success. I love the note cards and the stuffed hearts.

    And your furry kiddos are adorable!

  4. Looks like you are ready for the craft fair. It looks great! Love the stars (I think I've said that before!!!!!!). The furbabies all look happy and ready for the holidays.

  5. Hi Kim! I need to pop in more often :) Just wanted to see how you are and I'm glad you are feeling fine. The furry ones are adorable!!!

    Happy selling :)

  6. I am sure you will be a hit, btw I love the card you sent to your sister, that was very cute, I read your comment on Beths blog, from your 109 friend, I thought that was priceless. have a great day and best wishes to your sister. hugs.

  7. Hi Kim,
    I'm sure your items will be a great success! Glad you're having a good day-it's gloomy, cold and raining here-just like November! ha. Love the pics of your furry ones, too.

  8. Good luck at your sale! Everything looks so organized... and above all... have fun!

  9. Everything looks so nice, my queen, and your furry friends do too. I hope you have a great day at the sale--I think you will! Love to you, O

  10. i would totally stop at your booth and buy something....seriously !

    all i've done lately is attend craft shows/fairs and found so many talented people....

  11. Your creations look great - I'm sure you'll sell out at the weekend!
    Thanks for your lovely and supportive comments on my blog. It's the wonderful community that keeps me going!

  12. Oh Kim - your display looks fab. I love your start ornaments and the paper circle's too, but the stars are soooo sweet. I hope you do well this year, I remember the weather disaster last year....

    Time to do a table at Squam, you would sell out in a heartbeat. xox Corrine

  13. That's a great great display! :) And of course, I LOVE the photos of the furbabies!!

  14. I wanna come shop your stuff! I LOVE YOUR STUFF!! and precious furry critters, too!

  15. This is too funny, Kim. I am getting ready for a craft sale on the same day as you and am planning on a dress rehearsal too ~ I think it'll help when the day comes to have an idea how to display everything! Good luck with yours. I hope you sell EVERYthing!
    Cheers ~
