Thursday, February 28, 2013

Share the Joy–Let It In…

From this Week’s Joy List :

This is me looking joyful and loved.


That is how my friends make me feel.

Yesterday, I reached out to a few and was vulnerable, and let them know I was in need.

In need of some loving, some assurance, some support.

And I received that from my friends in such an abundance that I went to sleep last night feeling very loved and very grateful..

And that is the greatest joy.


“The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have really good days.” Ray Wylie Hubbard


It made a difference in how I felt waking up this morning too.

Today I feel lighter, more hopeful and maybe, just maybe,

I won’t be quite so hard on myself today.

And that should leave a lot more space for joy to come !


And while I have been complaining that my Muse has abandoned me for warmer climes,

I guess she took time out from her vacation to make an emergency visit back to me.


This is the journal page I sat down and let pour out of me in the gloom of yesterday’s rainy/snowy/grey afternoon.


Stencils, spray inks, Twinkling H2Os, Faber Castell pens, and one important collage piece from an old dictionary and this page was born.


I am feeling my “small particle of fire”.

And that brings this Artist Girl joy !!!


I hope you are opened up to love and joy today, Beautiful Ones.

It sure is good for what ails you !

Happy Thursday !


For more joy sharing, visit the amazing Meri at Meri’s Musings.


  1. I love that when you need to connect, you reach out. And I'm glad that the hand you put out was grasped and that love came back to you. But then I never doubted that it give so much love and you radiate love and joy and you brighten the world of so many others. And it's okay to say "I need some of that back please" show us all how it is done, even if you don't realize that you are. I love that you know to take care of you. And I love that your muse came back from her vacation for a bit (bitch...leaving without you!!! hee!!) and that you were able to spill out and create. Spark. What a fabulous that was something that you needed. As dismal as this winter has been my dear, it won't last forever and there are brighter days ahead. How many more sleeps until spring??? Love you big, big bunches! xoxox

  2. Looks like she had a restful vacation and is back in full force!

    Wonderful Kim! Yes, both the page and you!

  3. Your talent is amazing...I am so glad some of your friends were there for important to have friendships in our life.

  4. spark
    one good spark
    let it burn baby
    I can feel the warmth,
    and the underground roots
    as they remember
    dreaming spring...

  5. spark
    one good spark
    let it burn baby
    I can feel the warmth,
    and the underground roots
    as they remember
    dreaming spring...

  6. I am so glad to hear you were able to reach out yesterday when you needed it and received what you needed. Support, assurance and love. You are one brave chic to allow yourself to be vulnerable in the most beautiful and human way. I hope you will never stop reaching out so you can always be filled with love and surrounded with support. I am supporting you and loving you all the way from down here. I think of you with a warm heart and loving thoughts every day.

  7. reaching out to friends is a brilliant idea...i did the same thing on monday and was renewed inside.....

    and that page...brilliant as always, you creative little thing you....xoxoxo

  8. I love your smile and that beautiful journal page.

  9. Looks like figured it out...and are OPEN to accepting love!
    It shows...

    happy day to you!

  10. Friends are important. I'm glad you had them when you needed them. Thanks for sharing your beautiful journal.

  11. Joyful and colorful and bright. Love your journal page

  12. Oh, what a delight when the muse comes to the rescue... such a wonderful page my dear!

  13. Gorgeous page, I especially love the color palette and your unique shapes and linework!! I am going to remember the quote about gratitude-WOW! I needed that one. Wishing you a JOY-filled weekend.
