Sunday, March 3, 2013

17 Years Gone By...

Seventeen years ago today,
my Dad's spirit left the world.
I feel him strongly today.
I wish I could have one big, cozy, warm Daddy hug in his big, strong arms. The best hugs I have ever had in my life.
Fly high and free, beautiful Man Spirit.
I love you, Daddy.


  1. 17 years might as well be 17 minutes because we never forget and the spirit of the one we love is always with us. Sending you big cyber hugs and much, much love. xoxoxoxox (((((((((((((((((((((((Kim)))))))))))))))))))))))))

  2. How can it be another year already? I remember your last year post like it was just a month ago. Shite! I am sure he is with you much more often than on March 3rds. The veil may be thinner today so go deep, my friend and get those hugs.

  3. Hi Kim,
    I know you miss him everyday. I'm adding another big hug to your collection.

  4. Your dad looks like a strong, handsome, happy and gentle guy. I often wonder what it would have been like to have a dad. I'm glad yours was wonderful. Happy Birthday to him as I know he lives on in spirit

  5. dear one,
    I am going through boxes
    and boxes
    things I sent back
    from my splendid time in O
    sweaters, blouses, tablecloths,
    special things
    cared for with great love
    and attentiveness...

    the aroma
    of Mommy
    has me swooning
    rose and lavender
    yearning so
    for just one
    of those sweet hugs
    not quite 4 months
    but as poignant as ever...

    thinking of you
    hugging you from here
    seeing you
    in those deep Daddy eyes
    of your special Man Spirit...

    ever so grateful...

  6. I remember this pic of your Dad and always love looking at it. So much kindness and strength emanating from it. Beautiful soul. Comforting hugs sweet Queen...I'm sure your Dad is never far from you.

  7. Sorry I missed this, just got back from Philly. I can so relate to your feelings about your Dad and I know how close you were to him...xox

  8. Your Dad looks like a kind and gentle soul .... I'm sorry for your loss and the lasting sorrow of it .... There is great comfort in these kind words and thoughts and comments from your friends .... And I know it's only a drop in the bucket of all the love going your way
