Friday, May 20, 2011

Haiku My Heart Friday–Amongst Other Things




every perfect drop

holds a reflection of sky

amongst other things…



The sun has not shone here in 7 days.

Not one sunny period since last Friday.

It is getting to me a little, I think…

Amongst other things.

Trying my best to focus in on things that are good.

Like the raindrops on the lupin leaves.

Have a sweet weekend, Beautiful Ones !


for more haiku, visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon


rachel awes said...

these photos
& haiku
are luscious!!!

Olivia said...

I really enjoy the haiku's and am following others who participate, so thank you for this My Queen. You know here we get so much time it rained almost every day for 100 days. It's like you forget what the sun IS! But then it does come back doesn't it? And we appreciate it all the more. We are having sunny weather here and I am loving it. I wish for sun for you soon, My Queen, and until then, sun in your heart. xoO

Anonymous said...

We're right there with you...2 weeks of solid rain, you captured the beauty of this deluge perfectly!

rebecca said...

come visit me,
i will dress you in sunshine!

Marit said...

I always love to read your haikus... I'm thinking about joining the 'haiku my heart friday' ritual... I will have to make them in English then. Now that will be a challenge! The raindrops on the leaves are so beautiful, but I can imagine you want blue skies and sun after a number of wet days... I'll send some sunshine your way dear - to warm you skin and heart!

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures and words to go with .... but, oh you poor thing .... i definitely know how that feels. We have been blessed with 3 days of sun :)

what helps me is: swimming at the Y; doing my art; listening to music

Ramesh Sood said...

It's like holding eternity..

Ramesh Sood said...

It's like holding eternity..

Sherry said...

The sun was out for awhile here and now it's pouring with rain again. Just when you begin to feel hopeful...but there is much to be grateful for even within this.

My day has been a ruin since 11:00 am -- car trouble, no keys to get back in the house...but at least I got back inside the house before the rain came pelting down....

and so it goes... wishing you a beautiful weekend my friend!

Susie Riley said...

Lupines! How delicious they look with those lovely drops of rain. Gorgeous shots - they lifted my spirits today. Thanks and big, smoochy kisses! xos

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos Ms Kim. I love how the shots get closer and closer. Lipomas, you lucky one, they are splendid! Have a wonderful weekend with sweet Mr. Daivd. xox Corrine

patti said...

These photos are beautiful - sorry to hear the sun has deserted you! Dive into your paint pots Kim and surround yourself in yellows and oranges!

Meri said...

I understand how the gray, rainy days settle down upon you like a damp quilt. . . for us here in the NW, it's been glorious for three or four days, but tomorrow the rain sneaks back in. I'm always so much more energetic when Mr. Rain is absent.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

But you made even the raindrops shine with your lucent words!

Unknown said...

Oh, gosh, I can't imagine how tough the weather must be- I go crazy if the sun hides for a few hours, it just darkens my entire mood and outlook. *huge hugs* You are welcome to visit us *any* time.

Cheryl said...

I cannot think of any words to describe how your photos make me feel. Awestruck?

I'm blown away by the fact that I could actually see reflections in the raindrops. Wow!

Woodland Rose said...

I read and write haiku regularly but this one is special. You've captured the brilliance of nature while being rained on. This is why I read your blog. Thank you.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Beautiful photos, beauty in the midst of the ongoing weather getting you down. I don't blame you. Enough already!

Nadeja said...

You are my sunshine, my only sunshile, you make me happy when skies are blue, you never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away!!! Such a sweet song and the sunshine is never gone...Even when we can't see it, it is there above the clouds...I think it is good to remember this!! :):) I love you Sunshire girl.xoxoxox Mom

foxysue said...

Some years here in the UK we can go without seeing the sun for weeks turning into months! We joke that when the sun shines for three days in a row that we've had summer! You are right focusing in on little drops of beauty helps.

Lovely luscious lupin images.

Sue x

Sueann said...

We could use the rain here in NM! Fires abound!!
Your photos are scrumptious!!

gma said...

Your words and art showed me the sky, among other things...the sun will come out tomorrow if the world doesn't end.

Kathleen Barnes said...

Ah, the PaintDiva thanks the Art queen for her lovely comments on my very first haiku Friday posting. this is a lovely group. Happy to be here !

deb did it said...

I could lick those leaves! yummie photos!

Margaret Pangert said...

Hi Kim! This has been the rainiest spring in history! But those perfect drops make it all worthwhile! I do see reflections of light in those exquisite orbs. Lovely post! xxox