Monday morning means a settling back into the home routine after being away most of the week last week.
I took some time to record some of what my trip meant to me in my journal.
Heading up north to be there for my friend Darlene’s Dad’s funeral ended up being combined with a lot of sweet friend time.
Not only with Dar, but with Suzanne, Andrea, my Mom and Kim.
There were some moments during the week that felt like “memory makers”.
You know, ones that you will never forget.
That become part of the tapestry that makes you.
My time with my friends made me so grateful.
Grateful for friendships and the gifts that they bring.
But also deeply grateful for my own wonderful ability to let them in.
To feel, appreciate and celebrate those connections so essential to my Being.
My friends and I, we love BIG.
And that is some good stuff in this bittersweet life !
I’ll hold on to you.
You hold on to me.
The winter long.
I will always be with you.
(lyrics from Winter Long, by Strawbs, 1974)
Big love and happy Monday to you, Beautiful Ones !