Friday, August 16, 2013

Haiku My Heart - Lazy Summer Days

Lazy summer days
Soaking in and creating
Beauty all around.

Here we are at Friday again. Time is going so quickly this summer. I have had a quiet week this week, in between some lovely guests who are making my home feel full and my heart feel glad. 

I have been slowly creating bits and pieces, finishing up some needle felting on my Grey Together Being that I made with my friend Suzanne last week...

and stitching away on a lovely piece of eucalyptus dyed Korhogo cloth that amazing Elizabeth ( gifted me along the way.

Feeling a little low energy but maybe that is what the lazy days of summer should be ?
Whatever the pace, I am defintely so appreciative of and grateful for the beauty I find around me.

Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones!

Head over to recuerda mi corazon for more haiku love. (


Anonymous said...

Your cats totally win my heart - if only I could relax as beautifully!

Anonymous said...

so much beauty in your words.

Anonymous said...

I don't wonder that you feel low energy with all the incredible things that are filling your summer!!

Laura said...

wonderful art in words and hand work!

rebecca said...

it always a pleasure to linger in the joy of you.
your cat seems to be in a state of nirvana, bowing to the goodness of life;
just like you beautiful heart!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, yes, enjoy the lazy days (daze?) of summer while you can. Soon will come the flurry (and hurry!) of fall!

gma said...

Peacefully following your creative muse pure JOY!

Lea said...

Oh Kim, love your haiku, and then the pics and those kitties! But that little felt tree with your rocks going inside... that is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! I LOVE it! Have a beautiful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh divine haiku and lovely photography ~ filled with love and serenity ~ thanks, carol xo

Anonymous said...

Summer means cramming as much in as we can -- in a short period of time so we can maximize the good weather. And then we are napping, dozing, reading, creating or doing nothing is necessary to reboot. I think a nap is necessary -- right now! xo

deb did it said...

delicious view
of you
lazy summer

Unknown said...

J C said...

I think while the rest of you are napping, Mr. Black Kitty is scheming about rolling around in your threads and cloths.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing quite like an afternoon nap on the porch in summer! Hooray for naps! Have a wonderful weekend!

Priti Lisa said...

Your inner peace is reflected in your soothing artwork...that 'being'
is pure magic Kim!
And those kitties!!!

Anonymous said...

I know I'd never get anything done with those two lovelies hanging around!

somepinkflowers said...

{{ all so lovely
my energy is Way Low
as well
but thinking it is The Heat
down here ...

so, is the felt
wrapping around
your dearly decorated rocks ??

i love that ::
little hugs }}

Fallingladies said...

I hope we will see more of that sooooo cool gray together being! It is interesting and awesome and inviting and i think it's a he. He draws you in!

Kate Robertson said...

Lovely art. Fun seeing all the kitty's too. Happy weekend.