Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankfulness Thursday–Gifts of Friendship

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Belated birthday gifts from my friend Kim, aka The Bodhi Chicklet. They arrived in the mail yesterday from Montreal !

The card has her artwork on it (gorgeous!) from a special day we spent playing at art journaling together. The paper clay heart and name tag where also made by my sweet friend, as was the mixed cd of “music to play by” ! What perfect gifts for this arty chick !

As part of my meditation process and especially when I am having a hard time falling asleep, I start making lists in my head of things I am grateful for. At the top of the list, every single day is my deep, deep gratitude for the wonderful friendships I have in my life and the many and varied gifts that those friendships bring me.

Some of my friends are there for venting to, listening to the crap that sometimes builds  up and has to be let go of.

Some of them serve as mirrors for me, showing me my shiny bright side when I have somehow become unable to see it for myself.

Some of them “get me” so well, it makes me feel so comfortable and at ease with being completely myself when I am with them.

Sometimes my friends serve as the person I turn to when I am in total awe with the beauty around me and look into their faces and see that awe reflected there as well.

Some of my friends need me deeply, which makes me feel so valued and privileged, to really be there for another person, to be someone’s angel once in a while.

And some of them know how to make me laugh my ass off, which is something every single one of us needs !

Whatever the gifts that they bring me, I am deeply, deeply grateful for all the friendships I have in my life. It is truly one of the things that makes this life so beautiful and so worth living to its fullest.

I am thankful for you, my Friends.

Big Love!


Unknown said...

aww- this is fantastic!

Kate Robertson said...


What a beautiful post...What nice gifts in the mail too. SUch a lucky lady, that is what you are. Enjoy your day.


jgr said...

Yes, it is really great to have FRIENDS! The reason you have so many of them is because you are such a GOOD one! Wishing you much happiness!

beth said...

and we are so very thankful for YOU YOU YOU !!!
yes YOU !

Sueann said...

Friends are definitely treasures!!
Hugs to you dear one

Dianne said...

You post the most amazing viewpoints! Especially the "I am not broken" one! Rock on!

Priti Lisa said...

How generous of you to spread your glow-y sweetness all over so many people's lives...even mine.
Just a cyber-connection...but I really feel blessed for knowing you, shiny-girl!

rachel awes said...

oh how wonderfilled...
& love to you
from another friend.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Phew! I'm glad it got over the border without too much delay. I am sorry the bridge meant we didn't see you ON your birthday but isn't it great when birthdays just go on and on?! Now you have another special one to celebrate this weekend and it sounds like you have picked the perfect thing to do - very much in tune with the birthday person, even if it means not being in Montreal for a wing-ding.