Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Chick’s got Tricks !

You gotta hand it to Mother Nature…

On the same morning that she gave me this :


(which was supposed to be one to two inches…not !)

she also gave me this :




blooming redder than red in my studio.

Everyday miracles, right, Beautiful Ones ?

I hope you have a happy and miraculous Sunday !

Big Love !

(I added this to rebecca's postcard from paradise - taking the time to notice beaty and grace in your world. Check it out here. )


gwyn said...

Good tricks!

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I have to admit that February has been a weather challenging month. Where oh where is a bit of spring? Tomorrow is ice pellets and freezing rain here. Enough! Uncle! But the amaryllis is a beaute.

Priti Lisa said...

Gorgeous I loved the tour of your art studio, it's amazing and makes me wanna clean up mine...everytime I start, I get distracted and never seem to finish...I would love to repaint it this spring.

On a personal note...a huge hug and an enormous THANK are my bright red amaryllis :)

Kim Mailhot said...

My red beauty is a hibiscus. They are probably in full bloom down in Mexico right now. Mine is about 5 years old and has given me hundreds of blossoms over the years. It is always a thrill when it comes in the grey of winter though !

Kari Desi said...

Gorgeous! Love that red.

jgr said...

WoW! That is alot of snow! Gorgeous hibiscus though-one of my fave floweres. I'm sending you warm thoughts, my friend! :-)

patti said...

What a contrast! Beautiful hibiscus and I love your painting!

rebecca said...

dear kim,

the dualities of love and light!
i keep telling myself it is going to be a spring bursting with wild flowers.

so happy to share the art of seeing
the sacred ordinary in every moment.

stay warm!

Anonymous said...

so love this contrast...the little miracles of warm tropics blooming while snow falls!

Unknown said...

Whoa - hibiscus! I had no idea you could grow those indoors! Now I'm gonna be on the hunt for one of those!

And yes, happy Sunday :)

foxysue said...

What a beautiful sight for my PC sore eyes tonight as I make the rounds!

Have a happy week, enjoy the red and white,

Sue x

Mary said...

beautiful. we are enjoying temps in the 70's today. i don't think the warm weather is here to stay, but taking what is given.

stay warm!

Sarah said...

Great beauty and great contrasts! Lovely!

Olivia said...

I too love the contrast of the cold snow and the red hibiscus that needs warmth to bloom, even to stay alive. I saw many hibiscus's (or is that hibisci?) in Hawaii but they were yellow and occasionally pink--not this gorgeous red--as red as red could be. I am wishing you a day of passion, pleasure, and creativity like the hibiscus, My Queen! xoO

Leslie said...

wonder of wonders...

gma said...

Red Hibiscus and Snow white a striking exhibition.
Thank you for this!

deb did it said...

oh my are doubly blessed to receive both gifts from Mother Earth

Anonymous said...

Oh so lovely.

Jenny F

Noelle Clearwater said...

A fabulous juxtaposition of fire and ice! Thank you to mother nature for the amazing and beautiful contrast of climates ~ Snowy and Tropical. I love hibiscus. I didn't know they grew indoors either. Lovely post, Kim.

Julie Prichard said...

Love the idea that you have a potted hibiscus...I have had horrible luck with them outdoors (they get eaten by bugs)....great inspiration for me to grab one and stick it in a pot!

Liv @ Choosing Beauty said...

LOVE this beautiful contrast and that you found beauty both inside and out. :)

Cindy said...

Kim the hibiscus is just beautiful. I had one in a pot and it bloomed and bloomed until I put it in a different stopped blooming. I finally gave it to my sister after five years of it never getting another my sister phones me every time she gets a new bloom. can you believe it....after seeing your flower I think I am going to have to get another one. they really are beautiful....and well that darn snow whats a gal to do.

Sueann said...

Wow! What a study in contrasts!! Ha! Love the bloom!!! The snow...not so much!!!
Come on spring!!!!

Marie S said...

Hey Kim, I got my note cards and my little rocks. I adore them!!!
Thank you so so much, they are better than I even imagined.
Love and hugs.

Marit said...

Oh wow, it's 'redder then red'!!! I wish I could get this kind of colour on to my page... I will keep on trying!

Kate Robertson said...

What a beautiful flower. Mother nature does give out her gifts whenever she chooses. Good luck enjoying them both. There is that idea of roses in the snow. Perhaps you should take the flower outside for just a brief moment and photograph it. Or maybe not, the shock to its system might be too much. Do enjoy it though.


beth said...

oh that mother nature.....she's is a tricky one alright !
does she realize though that we love the flowery stuff better than the snow she showers us with....maybe along with the tricks she's also got a screw loose.