Thursday, September 1, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday–My Heart is Fine.

To say I am radiating joy today would be a very true statement.


For you see, yesterday, while my glorious Rose of Sharon was in full bloom


I was feeling pretty crappy.

A scary trip to the ER yesterday afternoon for chest pains, a huge battery of tests and monitoring,


and I found out that my heart is fine !!!

My lungs are fine !

I am fine !!

(Primatene Mist is an over the counter drug, available for mild asthma reactions due to allergies, which actually contains epinephrine. Epinephrine is not what you need when you has slight breathing challenges from allergies!!!! Especially not when combined with high anxiety levels like I have. This drug will no longer be available over the counter as of December 2011. My bottle is now in the garbage !)


So, today I am joyous about life in so many ways.

I feel like I have been reborn in a way.

I have work to do on this planet, and I am going to take care of myself better so I can stay here and do it for as long as possible.

A little added confirmation for this whole feeling came when my friend Colleen linked this unbelievable blog post to me this morning :

Thoughtful Thursday : Thoughtful People by Michelle at Yesterday’s Trash

A woman I met three years ago at Squam Art Retreats was celebrating me as a thoughful person in her life !

Can you just imagine how honored and humble I felt to read that ?

Honored, humble and ready to get back to work.

Back to work spreading the Love, Baby !

I hope your Thursday is filled with moments of sweet joy, Beautiful Ones.

Big Love !


More joy plus the awesome Meri at Meri’s Musings.


Susie Riley said...

Here's to breathing easily. Everyone say WHEW!

Glad you're safe and sweet. Love you! xoxos

Kate Robertson said...

Glad to hear that you are ok and seeing the Joy today. You do radiate joy my friend.. Taking care of ones self is so important. We want you around for a very long time.



Yvonne said...

Good to hear that youre fine! The stones and your post are beautiful!

LuLu Kellogg said...

I am so glad you are ok and that you are still here to spread miles of smiles!!


Meri said...

Oh my gosh - what a scare. I'm so JOYful that you're okay Kimmie and even more that you're raring to go again.

jgr said...

WOW! I am SO glad you're back home and OK. You do have important work - spreading the Love. The world needs you, my friend! I hope you have a great weekend!

michelle renée bernard said...

We're in it together soul sister! xoxo

arlene said...

Having the weight of fear lifted off your shoulders IS a rebirth! You are so crucial to the happiness and joy of so many, and to hear that you are able to breathe easier makes me (and many others!) breathe easier.
The photo of you in the sun radiates peace, and I pray that peace will continue to hover over your life. Be gentle with yourself. Big hugs!!!

deb did it said...

oh my Kim...thank goodness for rebirthing! This is such a lovely photo Kim....YOU are beautiful. ~Rest and be well, breathe deep and gently~

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that all is well...take good care of yourself.

Elena said...

Why is it that meds always seem to do more harm than good? The body's way of saying take heed? I'm so glad you are better. That was a wonderful post Michelle had and totally deserved. So keep on radiating joy and spreading the love, Queen.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

It's never too late to start taking better care of ourselves. Sometimes it takes a crisis to see where we need to make changes. I am thrilled everything turned out the way it did. Baby steps and forgive yourself. Glad you've decided to stick with us for the long haul!

She Who Doodles said...

wow, a little scary. glad you are ok and spreading the love.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful news! Thanks be to God! Cathy

beth said...

don't scare me like that.....thank god you're okay. you're one of our angels, you you have to stay healthy !!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are okay, what a scary thing. Drug interactions can be the worst. So many people found your rocks at Squam, I remember, how great to give that gift to others. xox Corrine

Sophie said...

ER trips are never fun but at least now you know everything's fine.
My Thursday has been delightful!

Sueann said...

Definitely scary!! So glad you got a clean bill of health.
I was in the ER myself this past week. Yikes! I too am fine and dandy!! Whew!!
Be well dear one and be filled with much joy and peace
Hugging you

Nadeja said...

With you in love always!!! You are amazing. I love you,

Cindy said...

Glad you are feeling better, must have been a scare for you. You are very important to me. I have a feeling you have touched more people than you know. Have a wonderful day. I am having a giveaway, you may want to come and check it out. hugs.

Jess said...

So good to hear you are well Kim.xx

Unknown said...

I am SO glad to hear you are okay- that must have been terrifying! *huge hugs* You have lots of love to share and lots of people who need it and love to receive it (me included) so stay healthy and be good to yourself, my dear friend! <3 *love*

Olivia said...

My Queen is AOK! YAY! I missed this and am so glad I found it today. Glad you're all right, and wishing you well and an even happier vacation with this good news! xoO