Thursday, March 22, 2012

Share the Joy Thursday–Lots of Little Joys

From the JOY List this week :

blob art

More blob art.

Love the ‘tude.


A gift that Colleen found for David and me.

Ya, it kind of fits. Winking smile


This little brat cat who jumps into my office chair every time I get up!


These trays of rocks, varnished and ready to be sent to Colorado

in support of Cassandra Perkins and her amazing work for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society  there.

pooh card

This sweet Hallmark card that jumped out at me yesterday and came home.

One of my all time favorite Pooh & Piglet moments.


That I am headed here today with my friend Colleen.

They are announcing temps in the mid-eighties.

In March.

Hampton Beach, we are on our way

to soak up

the JOYS

of the day.



More Joy at Meri’s Musings !


Anonymous said...

yes! love that pooh piece...thank you for sharing your love with me and my family.

warm here too this weekend...woo hoo!!

Olivia said...

What a great post, My Queen! I hope you have a great day with Colleen, glad you two have more time together at this time. I SO love the card. Makes me think I'd enjoy a reread of "Winnie the Pooh". And what a PERFECT (as opposed to imPerfecT) sign Colleen found for you--it just IS...may you both experience all of the JOYS this day will bring you, xoO

Olivia said...

What a great post, My Queen! I hope you have a great day with Colleen, glad you two have more time together at this time. I SO love the card. Makes me think I'd enjoy a reread of "Winnie the Pooh". And what a PERFECT (as opposed to imPerfecT) sign Colleen found for you--it just IS...may you both experience all of the JOYS this day will bring you, xoO

Meri said...

Perfect sign for you. Love the art journal page -- you are the queen of whimsy, for sure.

Sherry said...

Love the blob with the 'tude dude!! It rocks!! As do those trays you've been working on.

Colleen found the PERFECT sign for you and David...friends are like that aren't they, they just see it and know it!

May your souls find peace at the beach today! Soak it up! xoxo

Mary said...

It's always fun when I come here!


Anonymous said...

Love Colleen's sign, and your art as always!

iHanna said...

Haha, great sign + love the brat cat. They're so sweet but not always.


rebecca said...

thank you dear one for filling me up before i jump into this gorgeous busy day!
enjoy your girlfriend time....yes there will be deep sharing and pooh assurance in each bright moment.

Sueann said...

Love that Pooh sweet!!
What a gorgeous place you are visiting today. Wow!!

beth said...

THAT.IS.THE.BEST.SIGN.EVER......omg, that sign couldn't be anymore perfect !!!.....LOVE IT !!!

Janet said...

I have to copy that sign!! It's perfect. And I like the blob art. Gotta love that red hair!

One of my cats always takes over my chair when I get up, too. He thinks it's his.

Have a great day! Sounds like perfect weather.

Unknown said...

I could find some joy there too. I wish for you, a great day.

She Who Doodles said...

enjoy hampton beach. love the words of pooh, so simple so real.

Nadeja said...

Hope your day was filled with wonderfulness - just like you.
Love you so much,

Cindy said...

Kim your day sounds perfect, we had a huge snow storm, so spring is going to have to wait here. I love love the sign. Glad you get to spend the day with Colleen. hugs to you, think of you often.

Priti Lisa said...

Reading back over your blog has been such a sweet treat. I am so thankful for you Kim and all of the love you share.
I have that same's been in my studio for years♥♥♥

thekathrynwheel said...

I have just discovered your blog and I love it! Such great inspiration :-)
And I too love that Pooh quote. Pooh stories are way deeper than I ever imagined as a child!