Sunday, November 18, 2012

Work in Progress–Stitching Joy

Stitched cuff – work in progress…



I am really loving this stitching stuff. It is like collage only with fabric as the paper and embroidery stitches as the pen marks.

This cuff came into being as David and I watched one of my favorite feel-good movies last night, “Love Actually”.

Another evening’s work/play and it will be ready for its lucky new owner!

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday, Lovely Ones !

Big Love actually. Winking smile


eb said...

LOVE it, actually...


Janet said...

Beautiful! Stitching can be very relaxing.

iHanna said...

Cuffs/bracelets in fabric is so fun to do, especially in wool since it's so easy to sew with. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

love them...reminds me of years ago, everything I owned was further embellished with little mirrors, stitched one by one


tami said...

love these! and love the movie - just watched it myself : ) Happy stitching!

Mary said...

Another beauty...just like you!

You are such an encourager...thank you!

Cindy said...

Hi Kim, These are so you, glad to see you are having such fun making them. I have been reading some of your older posts and love that picture of you with the bird eating out of your hand, just fabulous. hugs my friend.
have a great week.