Friday, June 27, 2014

Haiku My Heart–Home Making…




Flotsam and jetsam

Of life gathered in altars

Saying I am here.



(Mini-zombie doll by artist Linda Willis)



(Painted rocks by the Rock Fairy)


(Star by me, Scarred heart by Alisa Burke)



(Mermaid from a Playa del Carmen souvenir shop, Henrietta bobbin doll by Sam Johnson, felted Rock Being by me)



(Stitched squares by me, yoyos by my grandmother)


Yesterday, while continuing the unpacking process, I finally reached the point where my real stuff, the stuff I love, that I have chosen, that I have gathered along the way,

was emerging from the piles of paper


finding new homes in my new home.

I recognized the feeling of placing my stuff just so,

creating little altars everywhere,

of marking the spot

with my very own hand, eye, and heart.

Made me feel like I am here now.

Made me feel at home.

Interesting to acknowledge, appreciate and in fact love,

the fact that

the creation of a home that reflects bits of who I am,

where I have come from,

what I love,



from my Heart.


Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones!


for more beautiful hearts gathering in word and image, visit recuerda mi corazon .


gma said...

Lovely treasures,uniquely you, make for home sweet home. Many good wishes to you and yours.

Annie Jeffries said...

Happy settling in, Kim. Wishing you every happiness in your new home.

Anonymous said...

I love this term...creating little altars everywhere (a book too I know) but in this context I adore the image in my head.

happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, it's just such a lovely thing to have all of those wonderful mementos to touch and look upon to see where you have been and where you may be going~

carol l mckenna said...

love the flotsam and jetsam and how sacred ordinary objects can be in our every day world ~ thanks ~ ^_^

lovely haiku and photo sharing ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Nonnie said...

for some reason, I don't seem to be receiving your wonderful posts. so glad to be here via Rebecca. you have looks like you've put your print upon your new home. I love all the bits and bobs you shared with us.
welcome home!

Lea said...

All the best in your nesting and homemaking and find your treasures anew Kim!

Anonymous said...

nice nesting and alter making. xox

rebecca said...

welcome to your new home dear kim!
your light travels with you wherever you go; making love altars everywhere!

Mark said...

Amazing...these little altars of being...all over your home!

beth said...

isn't that the truth…that our art, our little and large pieces of what our hearts have gathered along the smooth and sometimes rocky paths of our journeys , is what makes our homes feel like home….

so happy that your heart is feeling safe and comfortable after the stress of the move…xoxo

Priti Lisa said...

the best part of moving is...opening boxes of things that say YOU....everything has been edited and now you can play and move things around, it is all the art of life and so much fun. And I will look forward to seeing how you will handle a florida winter...that will be the cake!
i love that you are sharing this journey with us, HAPPY times!
♥ ♥ ♥

deb did it said...

welcome home Kim...I can see that no matter where you are...YOU.ARE.HOME.

iHanna said...

Alters, nooks of happy, home, where the heart is. You know how to make it cozy, and full of heart.


Meri said...

sweet sense of being
summer light cascading in
altars everywhere