Monday, November 30, 2015

Rock my world - November 30,2015

Rock wisdom for today : 

"Slow down."

If I had written this rock for myself today, it would need to say :

"Slow the f*%k down, Kimbo!!!"

This time of year, with all of its expectations and demands on our time, it can be so difficult to stay in the present moment and not get a little (a lot?!) crazy. 

I'm going to try to take some much needed deep breaths and re-focus on what is really important, and most of all remember that :







Big love from the Rock Fairy!


Nadeja said...

Slow down princess Kim, I mean Queen of arts. Good advice for a lot of us. I am with you in slowing down and focusing in this moment, and this moment and this moment... Love you very much. Thank you for doing your work for our planet. Big hug, mom

Unknown said...

Slow down - yes. (And I call myself Kimbo sometimes too)