Friday, December 16, 2011

Haiku My Heart–Throw Light On Your World


In You, a bright flame.

Shine it from the inside out.

Throw Light on your World.



I know that the contrast between light and dark is at its most intense at this time of year.

And perhaps, the contrast is most intense at this time of our world as well.

What continues to amaze me is how the opportunities to shine Light in the darkness keep rising up to meet us where we are.

I believe it is our Soul’s job on Earth.

Let’s do it well !

Shine that glorious Love Light, Beautiful Ones.

More Haiku My Heart light can be found at recuerda mi corazon


Spadoman said...

You speak of light so eloquently. Let it shine!

Much Peace sent your way

rebecca said...

oh kim i love you so! you are a salutation of bright joy through all seasons.
thank you for your lovelight.

somepinkflowers said...


{{ i have been challenged
of late
The Dark & Evil Homeowners Association
my heart wants to Retaliate,
i see
that turning Dark Too
will not chase way the dark...

and more lightness~~
is my battle cry!

Light wins over Dark
in my Book... }}

Sherry said...

I agree with you -- I believe it is our soul's job on earth to shine our light wherever we go!


Jess said...

Thankyou Kim, I will. :)
Jess xx

Priti Lisa said...

Hi Kim, I missed quite a lot here...your etsy shop looks so cheerful and bright! And your festive home, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better this week...I know exactly how you feel...and it does help to seek the joy. Which is why I always feel better after a visit to the Queen of Arts :)

deb did it said...

with love and light....oh happy day to you Kim...Big Heart Walking! xoxoxo Deb

carol l mckenna said...

Shine on ~ Lovely haiku and photos ~ Just starting writing some haikus ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Kim...we all have so many opportunities to bring light to the dark...if we just look.

thank you for shining this


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I'll raise my candle to that! It has even "felt" dark this last week. Plenty of clouds and rain (no white stuff), it seems like the street lights are on all days some days. Less than a week to go now before the days start getting longer. Can't wait...

Lenora said...

you are certainly doing your part - this is beautiful!

gma said...

Yes I love the values of light and dark this season. Also love the value of your words...I see your light come shining.

Dawn Elliott said...

I always try to remember that we are spirits in human form, not just humans with a touch of spirit!
Great haiku today!

Lynn Cohen said...


Noelle Clearwater said...

Shining the Light, always choosing love, even in the most difficult of times ~ it is the best of all possible choices. Lovely post!

foxysue said...

Job well done, I'll be thinking on light bearing today!

Have a lovely weekend,

Sue x

*jean* said...

i think it is true that this time of year makes the light brighter...your haiku and candle fire have already made my morning better...

Sueann said...

I will dear one...I will!
Your light shone on me today...and I loved it and was warmed all the way through!

Anonymous said...

You shine a bold light my friend. xox Corrine

Cheryl said...

I agree. I'm stumped to write more because I think you said it all.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Yes, yes, yes, but I am so looking forward to the passing of Dec. 21 when light begins to return just a hair at a time.

Nadeja said...

Time to sing " This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let is shine!!!" Good shining Kimmy!!!
I love you, Mom

Rosie said...

Kim, such beautiful words!
Love & light to you sweetheart... =)
Happy Holidays if our paths don't cross before!! xoxoxo

SE'LAH... said...

shining as bright as i can...

thinking of you. sending warm wishes your way this holiday season. one love.

Elizabeth Halt said...

I'll raise my candle to that! Shining as best as I can over here.

You know what amazes me, that as of winter solstice, there is more and more light every day. I forget that, because it happens so gradually. And yet, it is happening!

Kate Robertson said...

Shine on shine on, you always seem to fo just that.