Saturday, January 4, 2014

Doggie Couch Chat

Patine asks "Chica, can I play with your brand new stuffed Bat squeaker?"

Chica thinks "If I ignore her and pretend she's not here, on my sofa, chewing on my brand new stuffed Bat squeaker, maybe she will disappear."

"Why is Chica ignoring me? I have spent the whole week chewing on her neck, trying to hump her, and am even willing to break in her brand new stuffed Bat squeaker for her! Doesn't that make us BFFs?" asked Patine.

"Chew on it, Pipsqueak. I need a nap! "

"Will do, Bestie! Can't wait until spring break when I come back for another visit!"

"Kill me now!"


Suzanne and Patine were fun guests here at the Yellow House on Orange Street this week. I am sure Chica and the cats agree !
Happy weekend and safe travels home for my friends!


Nadeja said...

Sweeet! :) :)

*jean* said...

so cute…my dog just found her happy ball…the one that still has a squeaker and i say…kill me now…xo stay warm dear kim

Rita Vindedzis said...

Often wondered what our pets are thinking ;-)

Anonymous said...

ROFL...just looking at these two -- that conversation "fits" like a glove. The last bit from Chica is the best!!! xo

Joyfulploys said...

Hahaha!!!I love this! So perfect how dogs can "ignore" whenever they want to. I hope you had a great holiday and now things can sort of get back to normal, whatever that may be :)

henrysmom said...

so cute! poor Patine! Henry has the same reaction from the kitty - when kitty can get up high and ignore unmolested!

Anonymous said...

so can't help wondering what goes on in their heads...I think you nailed it!
