Friday, September 10, 2010

Haiku My Heart – Good News


Kindness is simple.

A smile, a buck, a hand up.

It does the soul good.


In times where bad news is so damn easy to find,

let’s look for some GOOD news

and CELEBRATE IT !!!!!!

Here are a few places to start :

Victim treats mugger right.

How the 93 Dollar Club got started

Some amazing good things spring from just one person having A Good Idea.

(this video had me in tears of joy at how wonderful we can be when we put our focus in the right place…)

I challenge you to look for ways to be kinder than necessary today, Beautiful Ones.

I know you are utterly and completely capable of it.

Happy Friday !

(for more Haiku my Heart Loveliness, go here.)


studio pashnada said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing these stories. I'm crying as I type and I'm going to go watch every video on A GOOD IDEA.
In my family we've been talking a lot about Jesus' 2nd great commandment (Love your neighbor as yourself) lately.
This is what it looks like.
Thank you ~ Sherry

Anonymous said...

Hi Kimmy,
My idea is to say I love you to your family members at least once a day...or more.:):) I love you from head to toe,
A hug for you to keep all day
Will make this day perfecter:):)
or at least, I hope it makes you smile.
I Love you my Kimmy.

Summer Gypsy said...

So right on!!! There should be a regular newscast every morning and evening on all the networks to broadcast GOOD NEWS!!! It far outweighs the bad. After all, how many people woke up this morning to experience September? :) I love your pic and your haiku is awesome!! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of blogland this morning! Have a great day!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like your collage very much! And I like your idea of trying harder to be kind. :)

Leslie said...

Yes. Love is kind...

And I love your collage, too!

Meri said...

A good prod, especially when I'm aghast at the hate-monger in Florida.

paper-n-soul said...

What a sweet collage and fabulous celebration of love and kindness. Thank you for the reminder - something, ideally, we hope we never need, but it's good just the same.


Anonymous said...

Loved your haiku. I love simplicity. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out the good....

Riette said...

Spot on! Beautiful Friday to you too!

Lynn Cohen said...

Wow. I am so deeply moved by all three of these stories. Thanks for sending me such an uplifting post today. I'd like to share a link to this post on my blog for others to see if that is okay with you.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

Beautiful art words and sentiments - you are so right.

Ileana said...

What a beautiful, uplifting haiku! A beautiful collage as well.

Sophie said...

Loved the videos. Thanks for sharing with us.

Dianne said...

Lovely haiku... great advice!

patti said...

Yes kindness always ....and pay it forward!! World changing stuff! Thank you Kim xx

Noelle Clearwater said...

This was astonishingly beautiful. I sat at my desk, first reading your sweet haiku with its lovely mixed media collage and then reading the amazing story of the social worker which brought tears to my eyes. I immediately passed it on to about 10 friends. I watched the video as well and posted it on my facebook site. Posts like this are life changing and we need this on the day before the anniversary of 9/11.
Thanks for your kind words on my post.

Debbie D. said...

Thank you for the reminder, it was very kind of you :)

Priti Lisa said...

Thank you Kim. I will pass it on.

Your always, terrific.

You are an Angel.

I mailed punkin today, hope you like her :)
Love to you xo

Unknown said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog today and taking the time to leave some kind and encouraging words.

rebecca said...

i love the idea of a tiny handful of words
inviting, encouraging, calling on

thank you for this and so much more...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

In your comment on Rebecca's blog, you said you were a little worried about writing haiku...something to do with the syllable count, I think. Try these:

I try to count syllables
this morning
but Coyote howls

If I make something
that rings like haiku,
is it a poem or a bell?

They don't follow the so-called traditional 5-7-5 syllable scheme for haiku, but if they aren't haiku, what are they? :-)

Don't worry--you wrote haiku!

Haiku My Heart…Coyote

Kate said...

Hey! I wanted to let you know that there's an award waiting for you over at Kate's Library!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kim, I'm in tears over the goodness you've shared here. I don't know how many times I've wondered how I can make the world a better place and it was right before my eyes all the time - just listen, just offer help when it appears to be needed and, most of all, don't edit myself when those times arise, just offer - if it's not wanted, they'll say no, if it is wanted, it could change the world.

Sending you HUGE hugs - so wish I could see you next week, but maybe next time, right?
