Friday, March 23, 2012

Haiku My Heart–That Kind of Brave

Let me be willing.


Trusting like a small spring bud.


That kind of brave.



Happy Friday, Brave and Beautiful Ones !

I hope your weekend is full of sweet, sweet moments.

Big Love !


For more haiku loveliness, visit Haiku My Heart at recuerda mi corazon.


Libby said...

Awww...brave little buds!

carol l mckenna said...

Delightful haiku with wonderful photos ~thanks, wishing you a great weekend ~ namaste, carol ^_^

Priti Lisa said...

Beautiful Kim!
Now I have to go back and see what I've missed♥♥♥

Kathy said...

Love this Kim... perfect word.. and very cool little bud...

jgr said...

Lovely words, great Spring photo. Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

amen, amen, amen!

Bruce Miller said...

Breaking up your haiku like that with artistic images is so creative. I especially like the haiku, and that last image with the glass lens (?) is first-hand brilliance.

Spadoman said...

Bravery, courage, to live life, to ask for and believe in Peace. Yes, I see it, I believe it. You are the brave and courageous one.

Much Peace

Karen said...

Splendid Kim!

Lenora said...

willingness, courage.. a miracle!

Anonymous said...

I am trying to be brave like this little beautiful bud...

happy weekend.

rebecca said...

dear kim,

i love this tiny perfect promise.
may we all bloom true!

Ramesh Sood said...

Indeed it needs courage to are encouraging one to be spite of..

Ramesh Sood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Olivia said...

Yes, My Queen! xoO

Jaime Haney said...

so sweet...

willingness. now that is a powerful word. I love it.

Happy Day!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Such a happy and hopeful post and photos. I've got something similar going on in my patio yard, too.

Sueann said...

So beautiful...serene!!
No buds here yet...but soon!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...


Conjuring Spring Rain

Fallingladies said...

I always feel so inpsired when i come visit here! Beautiful photos and thoughts!

Marit said...

There are buds everywhere in my garden, I think of you when I see one. Go bloom, dear friend, bloom in bright colours!

Gollywobbles said...

Hello my blogger friend! Your haikus and blob art are so awesome, and you and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers. It would be an HONOR to paint with you one day. You inspire me so! ~Sam