While the wind and rain raged all day yesterday,
David and I worked pretty steadily, he in his office on the computer, and I at my table in the studio, staying focused on the present moment.
For many hours, listening to tunes and losing myself in the color,
I worked on this 20X20” canvas :
After she was done, I realized what her name was.
Sandy, of course.
Did you notice her hurricane heart?
I think the inner artist Kim was painting her to try and ease her savagery and acknowledge her power.
A kind of painted prayer, I guess.
David and I, and the furry kids, are all safe and sound in our yellow house on Orange Street.
Many in NH are without power and there was a lot of wind damage from falling trees, etc, but we have been very blessed ! Our power flickered a bit yesterday at the height of the storm but we never lost it completely.
Today, as so many clean up and assess the damage from this crazy storm,
and weather through the resulting hardships, I am keeping the prayers and love lights going outward.
Big love, Beautiful Ones !